Chapter 26

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A/n:- Hi everyone!!
Thank you so much for 6k *Author smiling foolishly*  I thank all my active readers as well as my silent readers.

Thank you so for giving my book an opportunity *Author becomes overwhelmed*  Please continue to support me an-- *The Great Adhvika Mahajan enters and cuts off Author*  You all know the usual rant....  So vote more it gives her some kind of supernatural power or something like that..... Yeah that's it. Bye from the baffled Author and Hi from the one and only great me. *Adhvika Mahajan drags the puzzled Author away*.


Do you guys need sneak peek of next chapter? If so then comment me


I was about to turn to the right, when someone held my wrist from the back and lightly twisted my hand and tugged me towards them.



Who on earth has this type of audacity?

How dare they twist the great Adhvika Mahajan's precious hand?

I seriously cannot believe this shameless animal.

My best guess is that this is that Pervert Donkey. Oh!! You just wait and watch donkey I will make sure that you land on Mars without a spacecraft.


Wait, wait I zoned out while still being in the clutches of this person.

I have to free myself first....
I nodded seriously in my mind.

I kicked the person's leg harshly and freed myself from his clutches. In the process of freeing myself my ladoo and peda fell down.

Oh hell no!!
My ladoo and peda.
He is so going to pay for the wastage of my sweets.

For the first time in my life I wished that I should have worn those pencil heels, it would have caused that person more damage.

I whirled around angrily, only to get confounded and halt in my steps.
This wasn't that mindless and pervert of a donkey.
This was




Just kidding. He is not dumb.


This was Ashwatthama.

He was amusingly smirking at me.
I glared daggers at him.

So it was this leech ha!!
Yeah he is a leech, because he has been in this world from the day he was born and will be here till the day the earth dies. Wow!! Isn't it phenomenal?
Also hypocritical.

I know, I know that he doesn't relate with Leech. But by seeing him,it was the only thing that came in my mind.

Nonetheless I have to improve my analogy. 

Anyway this person is the one who received immortality as a punishment.

And those brainless demons did Tapasya for like eternity and did several cruel deeds, yet they received death as punishment. I think this leech definitely is no-1 on their hate list.

I seriously am suspicious that this leech's  children, grand children and so on,are not really fond of him, as he will be there when they are born and he will still be alive when his grandchildren's die and that is a never ending saga.

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