Chapter 8

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Yeah, yeah say it so casually you giant gorilla,

Those both took off to god knows where after dropping that sister bomb on me, bloody cowards, can't even face me after that.

I mean it's been afternoon I concluded as I was served lunch in my own room as those artists said,and my personal maids informed me,.. yeah they were atleast 20 girls who were introduced to me as my personal maids,I always thought that girl's collect dolls to play with them,I never thought that these weirdos here,gave me 20 living dolls who for their own sake don't even move an inch , they only move when I say them too. Yeah if nowadays a house maid was to be commanded like this, they would have charged us with god knows how many cases, I sighed but I was happy because, all these maids were literate, and could easily understand, what the hell i was writing.
I was actually sitting on the bed and thinking hard about what should I do? I mean come on,if I said yes,these people here will make me princess,and as enchanting and sweet the offer sounds,I for one didn't come here to settle down or anything, well I didn't came here at all, atleast not by my will,... uh-huh, ok ok, atleast not in time machine,so I can't play house house here,..

I have my family, friends, enemies, my work everything there,no no no,I have to think fast.

I started thinking hard.
Ok I think I should really accept their offer,I mean for fake,ok let's see if I accept their offer I will be a princess, even though I am queen already, but yeah whatever,so after becoming princess I can come and go wherever i want. That is really a plus,I can even search through caves,then I can go back home,okkkkk

If I reject their offer,then maybe because I don't have anyone here, they will keep me in this palace, but of course they won't give me this room,and maybe I will also become one of those maids,...
Oh my god,oh my god....
Me, the great Adhvika Mahajan a maid .
Ewww, it doesn't sound good at all.
Ok I am not insulting anyone, and I would love to do my own chores but why would I do someone else's when I am graduated and can do better works than being a maid, I know how much our house maid Anjana Aunty has suffered before working in our house,she had to look after her son and daughter all alone. After she came to work at our home, granny and grandpa helped her by getting her a own home and My dadda and uncles helped to pay for her Children's education. .......ok I think I got distracted.......

Oh yeah, getting out of here. Right concentrate Adhvi, concentrate.
Yeah... I am not ok being a maid,and then I can't even go outside the palace,of course everyone will question my every move....
And then I have to settle here,these people will marry me off to some Soldier or somebody and then I will have 6 to 7 kids atleast minimum,and then I will watch them grow and will see my grandkids and I will finally die......
Oh my god.
I was really about to cry, but suddenly I thought that I was just imagining these things..
Thank goodness,now I surely did have my answer.
So now I sighed happily and looked at the room and thought about exploring it,oh wow! Now this was only thing left in my non- existing bucket list to become Dora the explorer,...... Well I liked that cartoon when I was a little girl.

Now I love Miraculous, I just love Marinet and Cat noir,.. I mean Adrain is ok,but cat noir is the best,meow my lady. Good.
Hmm, back to the explorer job.
Ok so this room is freaking big and awesome, what? just because I am trapped here it doesn't mean that I can't appreciate the beauty of something. So yeah the room had a giant bed, and upon thinking hard,I got to the conclusion that the giant gorilla man might have ordered carpenter to build it for him,.of course it was a perfect fit for him.

And then there is this freaking bigger balcony which had no windows,I don't know if it's their foolishness or they had so much confidence that no one could ever climb into one of these rooms or something.

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