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Arya!! Why is this sudden meeting being held? " Devi Parvati questioned her husband, her mesmerizing eyes shining with sheer curiosity.

On the other hand, Mahadev simply smiled.

Parvati, you will know about that after few minutes." Mahadev assured his beloved wife with a serene face and  in a gentle tone.

Devi Parvati just huffed already having guessed her husband's answer.
Her lips curling into a pout.

Atleast I tried, Devi Parvati thought in her mind.

Mahadev smiled at his beloved wife's pouting.

Parvati, only few minutes that's all." Mahadev called out his wife, who just casted him a you-always-say-that look and went out from there.

Mahadev softly chuckled at his wife's antics and closed his eyes to meditate till all the God's arrival.

On the other hand Devi Parvati was mumbling sulkily to herself. She always have to wait for the right time.

It always keeps her in anticipation about what's going to happen exactly.

While walking towards the kitchen, she heard a voice from behind, which instantly lit up her mood.

Behen Parvati, won't you greet your Bratha?" Upon hearing Narayan's question.

Devi Parvati whirled around hastily and her smiled widened immediately,and her mesmerizing eyes twinkling in happiness.

Her eyes was moist, she was overwhelmed,as it has been a long time since she has seen him.

Bratha shree!!" Saying this she hurriedly walked towards him and he placed a loving hand on her head.

So how is my Dear Sister doing?" Narayan softly questioned Devi Parvati.

Her grin disappeared and frowned as if she remembered something.
Her pout reappeared and her nose scrunched in distaste.

Narayan looked at his little sister in fondness.
She was adorable.

I am good Bratha Shree, but why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Mrityu lok?" Devi Parvati inquired him, curiousity dancing in her pretty brown orbs.

Narayan smiled softly.

Yes,I was supposed to be in Mrityu lok, but I am here to attend the emergency meeting, Parvati." Narayan informed Devi Parvati, whose eyes widened in realisation.
She made an oh sound.

Suddenly Devi Parvati brightened up.
She glanced expectantly at her Bratha.

Why is this meeting being held Bratha Shree?" Devi Parvati queried Narayan, her eyes held hope that maybe her Bratha was going to answer her questions.

Oh!! how wrong she was

Narayan gave her his famous mischievous smile, and opened his mouth to speak, but was rudely cut off...

You will know about that when the right time arrives Devi Parvati." An irritated Devi Lakshmi's voice was heard from Narayan's back..

Devi Lakshmi walked towards Devi Parvati while narrowing her eyes at Narayan, who gave a sheepish smile to his beloved wife.

It is the only answer you get Devi Parvati,no matter of how many times you ask them the answer remains the same. So why bother asking at all." Devi Lakshmi remarked annoyed by the same answer she received yet again, but her irritation disappeared as she hugged Devi Parvati, who was also hugging her back dearly.

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