Adhvika's Note

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Adhvika Mahajan"

Hi My Great Readers!!
*Waving my hands excitedly at you all. *

So your Great Adhvika Mahajan is here to inform you all about something important.

Well some of my Great Readers already know about this, yet I took the initiative and thought to inform you all about this information.

Me The Great Adhvika Mahajan has made an entry on Wattpad.
*Smiling widely*

Yes, Now I have an account on Wattpad, exclusively for my use.if my Great Readers want to interact with me or want to have a conversation with me then you can message me on my Account. I will surely answer you all whenever I am free from my adventures.


Do check out my Account!
*staring expectantly at you all*


A/n:- Hi Great Readers!!
*waving my hands at you all.*

I know that you all are eagerly waiting for a new chapter, but as I said in the previous update of Answers-2  I am going to be extremely busy, for my Great Readers who missed my important note in the previous update, I will once again inform you all.

I may not be able to update any earlier, as my college is being commenced from coming Monday and this is going to be very exciting for me. Cause for the first time I am going to stay in Hostel. (kinda exited and nervous at the same time) So now I am preparing for my college. It's better to be  prepared than being completely clueless. That's why I am asking my Great Readers to support me and wait patiently for The Great Adhvika Mahajan. It's a humble request from your Author ♡

Also you all will get a one-shot, well it may take some time as your Author over here cannot compress her writing to less than 3.5k words. Please bear with this ranting Author of yours *Joining hands and bowing to you all.*  "

1) If you all checked out Adhvi's profile then how was it?

2) Now Attendance time,who read this note completely comment ‘yes' here ☞

Do vote and comment more 💕

That's it for now,

Hope to see my great readers soon!

Bye Bye 👋🏻

Have a wonderful weekend 💖

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