Chapter 15

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(A/n:- Hi !guys, I am here to inform you all that there is a time skip of one whole year, as it's important for her to meet someone particular. I hope you all will like it,ok so now you may all proceed to enjoy The great Adhvika Mahajan's adventures.)


AVIRAAJ'S POV (Suprised,I know 😉)

I dismissed the soldier who brought a message from one of the main minister.

They want to discuss about some trading related issues.
I don't understand why they have to discuss it with me?
Ravindra is the incharge of the trading issues of the Kingdom not me.
I am the Crown prince.
It's really tiring to perfectly fullfill the duties and responsibilities of the Crown prince.
I don't know why Prince's fight each other for the throne, just to take more and more responsibilities?
No thank you.

(A/n ;- this is the reason why these people didn't overpower anyone,very lazy people I tell you. But brave too,and they aren't greedy,so it's good😅 Also Adhvika's infecting them.)

I would love to leave my position as the heir for my brother's, but whenever I bring it to their notice, they behave as if all of them at once have temporarily turned deaf. I shook my head at my brother's.
But one thing is for sure.....
That we are all infected by a familial disease known as the Adhvika's madness.
I smirked at this thought,she is going to be furious or ...happy that she was successful in converting us as great as she is... She is unpredictable.

I didn't even try to convince Adhvi to take my position,I know her well enough to know that, she might just talk me into regaining my position and never leave that too.
I shook out of my thoughts.

I sighed heavily and stood up and walked towards the door,I opened it and the soldiers bowed at me and I nodded at them and one of them closed the door, as I started walking towards the meeting hall.

After a few steps,I sensed someone following me,so I turned back and noticed no one .
May be my imagination.
I started walking ahead,but after another few steps I sensed that person again.

This is definitely not my imagination...
I halted in my steps and abruptly turned around so that I could catch the attacker off-guard,but I found none... Hmm, the attacker moves swiftly, that's impressive, it's actually the first time someone outsmarted me..
Except for Sathvik nobody has ever done that..
Who is this per--
I felt someone attacking me from the back so I swiftly turned around and the attacker started to strike me with their sword..
The attacker was extremely aggressive and their strikes where very swift and nearly perfect...
I was still defending myself from the strikes,the attacker was extremely good with the sword .
I caught the attacker off-guard by attacking their knee,and the attacker froze for a second and that was my cue to take out my sword.

Our sword clinked with each other,we fought fiercely...
And after a long time, I thought to just end this fight, enough playing around. I have work to do so I striked back harshly and made the attacker fall on the ground, their sword fell down with a clinking sound,I kicked it further away from the attacker.and pointed my sword at the attacker and smirked.

"I won " I declared still smirking at the attacker.

"Bratha Avi, this is not fair at all " I chuckled and helped the little attacker as she was struggling to stand.
I helped her to get up.

"How is it unfair Adhvi?" I asked my now sulking sister in amusement.

"You won , because you are wearing lesser weighing clothes and you are taller than me. And and--" I laughed at my little Adhvi.

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