Chapter 31

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A/n:- Ciao Great Readers!! I am here once again to thank you all for 16k+ reads. Oh my God guys, I am overjoyed by all of this!! *sighing in happiness*. I want to also inform you all about something, I have decided that when my book reaches 20k+reads I will give you all a double update. Yay!! *cheering for myself*
*I haVe GoNe mAd, hehe*
Also my great readers can I get more votes and comments!!!
You all know about how much it means to me that you all are reading my book, but I'll be more happier when I see more votes and comments.
Pretty please Great Readers!!



"PRINCE DURYODHAN!!" I screamed on top of my lungs, I can bet that I have never ever yelled out so loud in my entire life time till now..

For the first time since ever, the guards standing in their respective places with their head bowed down simultaneously turned in my direction with a shocked expression, they were all so creepily in sync and I think they all might suffer a whiplash after this, however I sheepishly smiled and waved at all of them....

I didn't know what else to do okay!! So don't blame me, even if you do I won't take the blame, I am the Great Princess Adhvika Mahajan after all. I don't take the fake allegations against me seriously, rather I take them earnestly, so beware!!


Now coming back to the Buffalo, he was rooted in his place, he was frozen like literally didn't move an inch as if someone just paused his movements with a remote control.

Wow!! I can freeze someone by calling out their names? My vocal cords had this sensational power and I wasn't even aware about it? Woah!! Anyways , I am just so Great!!

Oh! Wait I have to talk to him,
I mentally face palmed myself and hurriedly walked near the now frozen buffalo.

I stopped infront of him and sighed in relief.
Thank god!!
I thought that the buffalo was broken or something, but nah!! He is completely alright. He was just staring at me with his eyes wide open. Poor Buffalo looked bewildered for Mahadev knows what reason.
Anyway that's not my problem,
I shrugged carelessly.
I could careless about their problem, cause these people have some serious problem with problems, they may wage a war for even a trivial issue, such as you all ate before my arrival?

What? I am serious they can!! Do you all remember that monkey Pervert crown prince of Kalinga? The one who collided with me on my birthday and wanted to make me his so called Queen? Yeah yeah the same one, he actually threatened the Keralas dynasty that he will attack them for not waiting for his arrival at the dinning table, but much to that Pervert monkey's displeasure no one took his words seriously, not even his own father and all of them continued eating, while I never stopped eating at all. Why would I give that Pervert more importance than my food?

That's absurd!!

A wide smile made its way on my lips and I dreamily licked my lips, as I thought about the mouth watering foods I ate that day...

"PRINCESS ADHVIKA!!" I snapped out of my thoughts, flinched back a little and covered my ears protecting them from such loud voices, I glared daggers at that Buffalo who was glaring back at me.

Wait a damm minute!
Why on earth is he glaring at me?
It's me who should glare at him, because he most certainly was going to make me deaf by his yelling.

"Why did you shriek so loudly near my ears Prince Duryodhan? Do you even know that I could have been deaf or my ears could have been seriously damaged, if the noise was more than 120 dB? " I exclaimed furiously. Oh my precious ears. I rubbed them softly, don't worry nothing will happen to you, I mentally consoled my ears and rolled my eyes when I saw that Buffalo giving me weirded looks.

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