Chapter 19

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Hastinapur..... Uh-huh.

I am going to visit Hastinapur.... Huh!!

What the freaking hell??
Why on earth would I go there now?
I was still trying to process the information that i was going to Hastinapur.
Wait a damm minute, I never agreed on going to Hastinapur.
I quickly narrowed my eyes at now sheepishly grinning Krishna.
I am now wondering, why did I even agree on becoming his friend in the first place??.
He is God?
Ah!! That makes a lot of sense.
Okk, he is also other worldly handsome and useful and a great friend too...
Hmm, that's true.
But he is extremely annoying,.... That is 100%true .

Krishna was weirdly looking at me..
What happened to him now?
Was he reading my mind??
Wait a minute, if he was reading my mind then,how come he didn't interrupt my conversation with myself..
He always does that..
Wait... He used to interrupt me .
Now he doesn't do that, something is a miss,why won--

"Vika I know you love to zone out,but please come back,I have to talk to you about something important." Ok!! Now he is making me more suspicious, how on earth didn't he know what I was wondering, because he would never use the word zone out,rather he would tease with something I said.

I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion. He gave me a confused smile.
Well he looked super adorable with that clueless look, I shook my head, it was not the time to admire his handsome face.

"Krishna why do I feel like you can't read my mind?" I questioned him while crossing my hands. And my suspicions increased as he looked puzzled at first,then his expression turned a panic one only for a mild second as if he realised what I was talking about ,then his smile returned, but somehow it looked different not his usual ones though..
What exactly are you hiding Krishna??

"Vikaaaaa what are you say- saying.. why won't I be able to read your mind? I can read your mind, ofcourse, ofcourse." He explained hastily and clumsily as if he was trying to prove his words,which he didn't needed to, and did he by any chance shutter?
And he nodded to himself. Was he trying to convince me or himself?
Why is Krishna behaving so weirdly?

I was about to open my mouth to ask him, but he cut me off

"Sakhi leave about these things they are not important, you have to pack your belongings, I mean maids will pack for you,but still you have to supervise those things right?? You have to visit Hastinapur." I completely forgot about that...
Wait, what packing?

Hastinapur.... Really?
And when did I agree to go there?
I gave him a droll stare.

"Sakha, I think I am loosing my memory power, as I don't particularly remember consenting or volunteering to visit Hastinapur like ever." I remarked to now relaxed and cheekily smiling Krishna.

"Sakhi,did I ever confess to you that how much I love you? If not then I love you so much,you are my bestest friend. I am so happy to have a great friend like you. Wow!! I can proudly exclaim that The great Adhvika Mahajan is my best friend,and I w-" I cut off the Drama king's buttering me up act.. by gesturing him to stop,
I can't believe this seriously??
He is the Almighty God for his sake..
Why is he behaving like this?
He can proudly say that the great Adhvika Mahajan is his best friend.... This is extreme nonsense.
Like what the hell??
I know that I am great and all,but I am not a fool to think that I am greater than the God himself.
That is just plain stupidity,and I am not some petty demon to do that.

"I would have been extremely touched if that was true,I know you love me everyone does,if they don't then either they are jealous or just are not capable of understanding me,but the point here is that,you are clearly trying to butter me up, but let me tell you one thing Krishna loud and clear that I am not going to visit Hastinapur, nope not a chance at all." I firmly Informed Krishna about my decision.

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