Chapter 20

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A/n:- Hi everyone!! And no I am not here for any month gap and all *giggling* I just wanted to thank you all for 3k,*squealing* thank you so much for my dear readers support. Please do continue to give me your love and support. And I also thank all my silent readers *bowing lightly and thanking you all* dramatic I know. Hehe, so yeah that's all,now you all can proceed to read the Adhvika's adventures *I feel like it's her adventures somehow* Ah!!going off topic like Adhvi, Nevermind. *Author waves her hands like a crazy person and leaves*.


I am going to die.....
I am seriously going to die...
Oh goodness me ,the great Adhvika Mahajan is going to die out of hotness.
And no its not because of a hot Greek god or someone else, it's rather because of Sun's rays.
It's so hot here,I am seriously going to die, we still have to travel for two days.

"What happened Princess Adhvika?" Dhanvik questioned me, why was he questioning me though?
Seeing my puzzled look he asked me if I needed anything or if I was in pain...
I am feeling hot that's it....
I think I made that Aghhhh sound for real, oops!!
Still no worries..

"It's very hot here Dhanvik,I am seriously feeling like death is approaching me. Oh Mahadev!! I don't want to die so young, but it isn't even summer then how come it's so hot in here?" I grumbled a little dramatically,but who really cares I am the great Adhvika Mahajan and I do what I want to do that's it.

"Princess we all are here too,and we are in the chariot so we are receiving more fresh air than others and maybe not much but still it's not that hot " Dhanvik commented politely,but his words were not polite at all.. is this person kidding me?
I smiled sweetly and now he frowned while looking at my smile..

"Dhanvik, you are the one to talk, I am wearing a heavy lehenga,along with multiple accesories so in total I am fully packed and you,I mean like seriously you, who is almost half naked , as that shawl you are wearing is seriously doing nothing to hide your upper body, your upper body is full on display and you didn't even wear as many jewelleries as mine, and your dhoti, which is still honestly good for circulation,you know what I mean right, so in short your are almost more than half naked,so yeah it's completely right that you don't feel the sun rays as I do... Now do you have anything to say?" I raised a brow at him in question and on the other hand Dhanvik was rectified by the new found information according to him and he hurriedly shook his head and now, he was discretely trying to cover more of his upper body..
I bit my lip to stop laughing,but Alas!! I bursted out laughing and at that, my mighty bodyguard jumped a little, and looked at me in confusion,and suddenly his face turned red as he realised why I was laughing.

Aww, he is blushing...

"It's Ok Dhanvik, no problem, I don't think so anyone here will mind you being half naked..." I teased the already red Dhanvik .
Who just turned more red than a tomato now...

"Ok,ok I really think that it's good for you,only during summer and not in winter or rainy season though." I said thoughtfully,while he just sighed heavily.
I just chuckled softly at him.


I can't handle this anymore..

(A/n:- They are having a conversation in their mind,and Krishna can have a conversation in with her, but he can't read her mind.
Bold Adhvika and Italics Krishna)


Vika , stop shouting
I am here,..
What happened?

Where were you?
I called you three times to be exact..

Well think of it as a style for calling me..
How is it..

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