Chapter 3

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Once again I was watching my favourites,any guesses what my favourites are? Yep , even if you all guessed wrong too,I don't care about it, well yeah before I went off topic,I was just watching a documentary or more like a video on YouTube about the lost city of Dwaraka,I mean if I was given an opportunity to research about the lost city of Dwaraka,I would just jump straight to grab the opportunity,I mean once you know that krishna existed then you know that Mahabharat happened,if Mahabharat is considered as history and not just a myth,then even Ramayan and several others which are just considered as myth and not the ancient Indian history will be proved to be real, that's my dream and let's just say I have been thinking about all this from the time I have known about Ramayan and Mahabharat, which was like when I was 8 years old,I always loved searching for mysteries and then trying to find the answers to them. Ah!! Why was it a problem to travel through time, everything would have been so much more less complicated, then it is now,I mean with more the scientists, astronomers, Archaeologists and many more research and discover new things,the more questions arises it's not like I don't like the discoveries they make,or the questions that comes with but it's like till we get some proper evidence nobody is going to believe in us, well a few may believe us but still we need proof and evidence of every single thing. Wow I think I speak very greatly in my mind too.

Just as I was about to shut my laptop my phone rang and I did shut my laptop,I mean I really don't know what the hell is the problem,I mean whenever I shut my laptop or I am about to shut that down, either someone comes to me or I get a call wow! I think my laptop is cursed,hmmm  well it cannot happen as it was invented way after the period where there were people who would curse and it would even affect God. I mean nowadays people curse like a sailor and still their curse would just draw them an equally immense amount of the curses, and if your opponent is way more stronger than you,then you may probably get some punches too. I mean these are really better than those ancient curses, as nowadays with those non effective curses and maybe some swollen cheek or split lip, black eye and maybe some broken bones, nothing else.  Hmmm,but why do I think I forgot something?

That's when I realised my phone was still ringing,well Iove this song,I mean i just have to dance,cause why not as we don't need permission to dance. I love BTS, did I mention that,if not then I am in love with those boys, they are so talented, so hardworking, let's not forget they all look like they are some type of Angels who are born on this Earth,wow!   ..... again I was about to daydream of how I have money and all but still I can't go to their concert or to South Korea, apparently my family doesn't believe me when I say that I won't kidnap them, they are keeping me here so that they stay safe in South Korea,I mean I am not crazy enough to do that well jokes apart,I respect them and wish only good luck, happiness and health to them.

Well I think I forgot something again, and I saw that my phone has stopped ringing,as I stood up to check my phone,my door opened with a thud,okk , then there comes the heroic entry of my bff Akshay,well... as much happy I was on seeing him, I didn't really needed him to break my door,not that it would break my door is stronger than him.

"What the hell ? Vika,I called you like  10 times, and I thought you were in washroom or something,but no here you are daydreaming about your Mahabharat." He said to me looking completely frustrated and why was he accusing me, his words sounded like I was in a relationship with Mahabharat,I mean what does he mean by daydreaming about my Mahabharat,well I never knew it was supposed to be mine,and why didn't anyone inform me about this important information.

I was brought to reality by Akshay shaking my shoulders, and why do everyone start shaking my shoulders,so weird...

"Vika i think you should get tested."he said seriously,I mean was he kidding me,,why the hell would I have HIV,I mean I didn't use any of those infected syringes, neither do I have any tattoo ,and don't even say about having sex with the person who has it,I mean for godsake....  i mean for my own sake i am a freaking Virgin,so now ... How?

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