Chapter 14

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(6 months later)

This can't be happening.

I wasn't ready for this
Ofcourse,I wouldn't, nobody would.
I was freaking the hell out.

No,I can never be ready for this.
Hell ! I never ever thought that I would be here in Dwapar era,on my special day.

I wasn't ok with this from the start..
But after a lots and lots of pleading and pestering from The chimpanzees , giant gorilla, Arjit, Avantika and lastly Father,I reluctantly accepted this whole proposal.

For the first time in my life,I was cursing my own precious self, Why on earth did I gave into these people's pleading...

Now I was on the verge of having a panic attack, And I was being extra dolled up for my special day, which didn't seem special to me at all. Do hell with these preparations.

Oh god !!!
Can I just escape from here?
I know this whole Palace, from every knook and corner and the same goes for the Kingdom not every corner,Wait !! I can just escape from all these dramatic scene right??

No,I can't,it will be an insult towards The King..
He has looked after me with so much love and care, it's phenomenal honestly, not even once did he reject any of my absurd wishes,he never asked anything in return for that until now...
My goodness,I am in some deep rumpus.
Shit!!I feel like puking, cause of all the nervousness pent up inside of me.
Oh god!! I am going to die...
I don't want this...
Suddenly my inner turmoil was cut off by Giant gorilla gently patting my cheeks .

"Adhvi are you feeling down love? You have zoned out for a while now, that's okay,but you are looking awfully pale.. Feeling nervous?" He asked me gently, anyone who would look at this giant gorilla,can never,and I mean never ever imagine him speaking with someone without scaring the shit out of them.
But here he is ever so gently and gracefully trying to calm my any- moment -fainting- mind..

"Bratha Aviraaj you don't understand, I can't do it, And how can you all be so cruel to let it happen with me... Don't you all love me? Why then?ha!! Why did you accept that useless proposal?" I was whining now and Giant gorilla just sighed helplessly,he was about to open his mouth when someone else cut him off.

"Stop it ,you drama queen, you are acting as if we are marrying you off to some prince." Sathvik commented while walking near us.

Jayvir rolled his eyes at the whole scene and finally looked at me with a wide smile and walked near me,and just as he stood infront of me,he wrapped his hands around me and hugged me tight. I hugged him back.

"Happy Birthday Adhvi. We are very happy that we found you, you are our greatest blessing given by God,and no we are not going to marry you of to some pathetic prince." He whispered in my ear and kissed my head and we finally parted from the hug, but he still had his hand casted on my shoulders.

"Oh please!! Adhvi is not going to marry until she is 60 " Chimpanzee named Chitranjan said while nodding to himself as if that was a great idea...
These people are more overprotective than my family.
I rolled my eyes at his statement.

And he received a smack on his head by Chimpanzee named Veerendra..

"Ouch!! Bratha why did you do it??" Chitranjan whined while rubbing his forehead as if it hurt like hell!!
I snorted at that,these people are literally made of iron..
Maybe they are attracted to magnets..

"Why let Adhvi marry at 60?let's not marry her at all ... And you deserved that smack Chitranjan." Veerendra sarcastically commented and everyone burst out laughing at that..

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