Chapter 13

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A/n :- Hi ! Guys, I wanted to thank you all for 1.5k reads on this book💞,(squeals)
Actually I wanted to thank; you all in the previous chapter itself,but your author here (aka me),was so excited to write that chapter,and it kinda got out of my mind,
So,now you can all proceed to enjoy ADHVIKA'S madness

(Author leaves while waving to all 👋)


           (FIVE MONTHS LATER)
(A/n :- Gasping really??)

I was running ,yes,yes you all heard it right people, I was running while holding this heavy lehenga, anyone would when you are running for life...

I am sure by now that I slipped atleast ten times while running, along with crashing on the pillars and all those showpieces and statues they have the way ,they are on the floor now.
I am seriously going to have a chat with father to banish all these showpieces and statues in the corridor sort of thing...
I mean seriously, what is the use of all these things,when it is coming in between saving your only illegally adopted daughter's precious life....

I ran without looking back, because I knew it would slow me down,and I couldn't afford that...

I had to run,I had to be safe...

And when I saw that I was near my room, a smile graced itself on my face...
Yes,I am going to be fine now...
I sped up my running and I was about to reach my destination .....
When someone caught my wrist
Shit,shit no, I struggled to free myself from the hard grip....
But damm these people are strong...
I wanted to cry now so badly.

Shit I have been caught, what am I going to do now??

(A/n: Omg!!!who is kidnapping our Adhvika (confused))

"Caught you, Adhvi." Arjit whispered in my ear while tugging me back as I was still trying to free myself from this Joker's strong hands..

"This is not fair at all, Arjit how can you run so fast..... This is cheating, you won because I have short legs and also you are a fast runner compared to me,and and -"
I was cut off by Arjit casting me a look of disbelief.

"Really Adhvi?? You do know the rules right? It doesn't include all these things which you are reasoning..." Arjit uttered still holding a look of disbelief..

I was about to fire back at him,when Avani smacked her palm on my mouth, so that I couldn't speak....
I glared at her and finally she removed her palm and whacked Arjit on his arm, and by the sound it caused,I think it left both of them in pain....

Well, Arjit left my wrist and casted Avani  a dirty look and a promise of getting back at her some other time,and knowing Avani she would plan more than Arjit could ever imagine..

Good luck Arjit...

Well you see,if anyone is wondering , What the heck happened??
Then no need to worry,cause you all can see I am safe and sound.

And we were just playing hide and seek.
Nothing serious...

And that dramatic explanation of me running for my precious life was just to add more spice in my already existing chaotic life...

I am a sucker for spice and everything nice sue me... No

See, you all should have guessed by now that I was just joking...
And on a serious note,who in their right state of mind would think so much in their mind, while running for your life...
I don't know about you all,but I will have one constant thought that is Run Adhvika Run and nothing else....

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