Chapter 16

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" Father's Little highness and my dear drama queen,eat your food properly, don't skip any of your meals just because you don't like the food they prepared or some particular vegetables which you don't like and don't go on eating only sweets think about your precious tooth before you do anything like that,you don't want anything happening to them and don't get into trouble, although I know that it will be very very difficult for you ,but please do try to lessen the amount of troubles as much as you can. Don't and I mean don't even think about experimenting with any other weapons,sword is the best and the only one for you, we don't want anyone to die or you to be punished because you mistakenly killed someone. And I beg you to not influence any of the Royals in Dwarka with your greatness,I don't think mere people like us can handle so many great people's, and you don't want any competitions, so okay ; last but the most important issue please come back just the way you are now, we don't want you to have any more physical injuries and be careful not to get any injury on your head, that would make everything more stressful, we are having difficulties in handling a sane Adhvika,I don't want to even imagine about an insane Adhvika. You shouldn't interact with any strangers, as well as no going anywhere without Dhanvik . He will accompany you everywhere along with your dagger,it stays with you all the time,even when Dhanvik cannot be with you. So come back as soon as possible. Got it " Sathvik lectured me, I may act like I don't notice, but I am not a fool,I am the Adhvika Mahajan who comes first in her class,even when she forgot that there was some exam going on in the first place, I know he is basically insulting me and my greatness, but I just don't care and that just makes me more great....

I gave Bratha Athu a sarcastic smile.

"Don't worry Bratha Athu, Everyone in the Yadhu vansh will remain sane and healthy." I sarcastically assured him, cause by the lecture he gave me,it felt like he was more interested in protecting the Yadav's than his own sister.
And these people are so delusional,like how do you harm god? If you think you can,then stand in the line with Ravan, Kansa, Hiranyakashipu and etc etc.
After knowing all these,why on earth would I challenge or try to harm a god?
That's just ridiculous!! Like utterly ridiculous.
Then that Angrakshak, I don't know why I need a Bodyguard/babysitter. It feels like I am some potty trained toddler and my family is leaving me with a babysitter so that I don't get in some trouble, and are these people giving me the stranger danger talk now when I am 23 years old!! What do they think of me?
I rolled my eyes at these people.

I have received four different lectures and this was the fifth and the worst lecture of all of them.
Atleast everyone else sounded extremely panicked and concerned, they were all behaving as if I was going on some type of War and here this Chimpanzee is acting as if he feels extremely sympathized for the Royal family of Dwaraka.
Ha!! I am not some hurricane,which destroys everything wherever it goes.
I am the great Adhvika Mahajan, I spread only greatness. Hmm, but not much if god forbid they become less or more greater than me,... Nah!! That can't really happen.
I suddenly felt someone shaking me violently.

"Adhvi, please don't zone out like this when you are alone, people may attack you or they can even hold you hostage, while the hostage part is not really something we should stress about,it's their karma, just like Karma what goes around comes around,  they would just bring you back in the same way as they held you captive,well safely as The Great Princess Adhvika is very high maintenance,and only a few chosen people can atleast a little bit handle you , but I highly recommend you to not zone out okay." Sathvik rambled on and on about my great self being held hostage.

Was this guy kidding me?
What is his problem actually?
Why does he always insult my greatness and that too the audacity he has to do it in my face?
I know why he is behaving like this.
Yes,,so let's confront him.

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