Chapter 18

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(A/n:- Hi Everyone!! It's your dear author speaking, hehe :)) so I am here to announce that I have taken a month skip again,*sheepishly smiling* actually it was a much needed one though, if not for this then we wouldn't be able to meet Pandavas or Kauravas in the near future *sighs*... So please understand that it was a needed one. And I promise you all a one shots of Adhvika's adventures in Dwaraka,so that's it ,now you all can proceed to read
*author leaves while waving and smiling* )



"Don't you dare Kanha, I won't do it." I sternly informed my whining brother.

"Dauuuu, please, please, please." He started pleading while showing me the best puppy eyes he could muster,and for extra effects he pouted his lips.. anyone would melt into puddle if Kanha gives them this look and I would comply to his wishes too,..if it was any other time,but no ,not this time.

So I shook my head in negative at my now sulking Kanha.. I can't believe he is the mighty lord Vishnu.

"Dau, my dear dau.. won't you help your Kanha ,. Come on dau you can't do this to me... You are my dau... I promise,I won't ask you for anything else,just this once please.." Kanha once again started to sulk and plead, no not today my dear Kanha,I won't compile to his wishes today,
I have no intention to face the worst torture of my life.
I shuddered while thinking about the torturer.

"My dear Kanha,you are god so you can face this and by the way it was your fault and your Karma so go face the consequences,it's not like I said you to do it." I crossed my arms and pointed out .
He just dramatically huffed and sat on the swing.

"Dau don't start about me being a God,I am thinking if i could just temporarily resign from being a God and I know Mahadev can surely handle my works for a month or two, I am planning to go on a vacation after all this fiasco, maybe on a trip to Kaliyug or something. They have a lot of different varieties you know regarding tourism,dau I was wondering will you accompany me? " I looked at Kanha as if he just informed me about us shifting from sheer sagar and settling somewhere else.
He was expectantly gazing at me...
And in reality he was actually talking about going on a ....vacation??
To Kaliyug..
And I have to accompany him.... Like what??
What happened to my Kanha?
Oh shivaji!!
Ah!! I think I know the answer for Kanha's weird behaviour... ... It surely is someone's greatness influencing.

Sometimes I feel like Kanha totally forgets about him being the Almighty God, especially this whole month he kind of always forgot about being the Almighty himself.
I didn't know if it was extremely amusing or concerning...
I just shook my head at this.

"Kanha ... ,You can't do that, it's impossible,and why are you behaving like this ? You are a God!!! And don't give me that look ,, I am still not going to help you in covering up your deeds,I have absolute no interest in being tortured. " I sternly informed him while crossing my arms.
He stood up abruptly and stomped his leg and started his whining once again.
I looked at him incredibly.
Why is he being so childish?

"Dau.. you are the great warrior Shri Balram, how can you get scared about torture?" He asked me, clearly trying to reason out against my words..
No way Kanha ,not today.

"Kanha I am just a Warrior,you are God! So don't you dare try to use the great warrior card on me, and Kanha we both are well aware about what kind of torture I am referring here,so don't try to outsmart me. I would happily compile to your every wishes, you know I would die for you without really giving a thought or a second,.. but this is a big no. " Kanha's hopeful smile deflated when I said no,.. I wanted to bring that smile back on his mesmerizing face, but no not this time...
I sighed heavily and massaged my temples.

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