Chapter 9

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Hello everyone! This is the longest chapter so far with 4022 words.



After my so-called new brothers left me alone. Well let me get this straight to you all, those so called brothers are to be only referred as Chimpanzees and nothing else.
Well those chimpanzees promised to come after some time,so now I was left in this my- oh- so- giant- room by all alone, even the maids didn't paid a visit, which was really suspicious as they all loved to baby me as if I was the only child in the whole state and let's not forget about me being their entertainment and amusement factor.

They look at me as if I am the walking Monalisa. .... Ha! I wonder,if I really was like The Monalisa... I mean the woman in the painting , what would be the current world's reaction, wow... I mean will I be worth just like the Monalisa, I mean it worth like $870 million .... Hmmm,..... No I cannot be sold out at these petty cash.. I can't be brought at all, Adhvika what the hell are you thinking? Did I lose my neurons or what?
Scratch Monalisa.... I love Da Vinci like a lot because of his works, but I am a precious,unique, supremely talented, beautiful and a sweet human,and not some million dollars painting....
I went off-topic didn't I?
Well,wait wait Oh good lord I can't even talk about this period with any of the 21st century peoples,, of course, what will I say to my family and everyone else, Oh! You know guys there is a secret passage or something like that in that cave with which I sort of time traveled and landed in Karnata dynasty, yeah yeah don't look so bewildered about that, I mean I was in Dwapar yug overall. And you know what I kinda became the princess there,.. that's it no biggie all good haha ......
Yeah everyone in my family will believe me when tigers will fly and no don't be oversmart and say that by aeroplane and any other means,.. no when tigers start flying with their non existent wings. Or When birds start to crawl like snakes . Which is like ..... Never, .....
And I am going to kill anyone who is going to try some DNA shit like hybrids.
So yeah if I want to land into an asylum just as I reach my home, then I can just take a microphone and start screaming it to everyone,or better let's make a video and post it into every possible social media.
So yeah I couldn't say shit,... I mean I can say shit.... But yeah my lips should be sealed. ...
I would have really loved to look at my brothers and sisters face as those chimpanzees declared that they were my new brothers and I am the new princess.
Oh they would be so jelly.... I can literally smell something non existing burning here ..... I bursted out laughing at my own thoughts.
Well I made my mind to not open my mouth infront of anyone about my crazy and adventurous expedition..... If it could be called one,.. I snorted at that .
I mean I am such a dare devil.
I love myself.

Well it's better to get a bravery award for struggling in the forest than being in an asylum so yeah..... I considered that.

Oh god I am so bored, even though I can use my phone,I don't think these people can tolerate that as it might make them think that I am crazy or they may think that I am some sort of magician... Hm.
Wait I could just mess with them a little, only a little... Hmmm that sounds great.
So I switched on my phone and started going through my downloaded songs and I searched for DYNAMITE and pressed play.
The song started,wow.... Here comes the fun.

I was dancing like a crazy person, but who cares I love them and I miss them a lot....... Bad Adhvi really bad, you should miss your family more than them...
Uh-huh. I miss my family infinitely. Hmmm and once I reach my home i am not going to annoy them for a day...... Oh come on its more than enough for them, if I don't annoy them, then how the hell am I going to enjoy my life.
I think I forgot something..
Dy-na-na- na ... Wait what.... Oh yeah song.
I think I have Some memory related disorder..... Oh god no,no I cannot happen to have those..... Well I don't have any disorder I am fine and good.
Oh song , just as I was about to go near my bed, where my phone was laying as if the whole bed belonged to it,.... Hahahaha I am funny,well I heard someone opening my door,... What the hell? Didn't anyone taught them to knock on the bloody door,where are these people's manners, I shook my head and here I thought my family and friends were mannerless,but these people are downstraight shameless, they even barge into my bathroom as if it's no big deal.
Oh right the song, so I ran towards the bed well, what can I say in this room I have to do a lot of excercise.
Yippee, I reached my destination on time, phew... and I paused my phone, just as the head maid entered.
She looked bewildered and terrified too.
Oh I was successful in accomplishing my mission... Ha! I was about to do a victory dance... But what she said next made my mouth fall open...... What the hell?

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