Chapter 29

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A/n:- Hi Great Readers!! I am not going to write about the war in detail, don't worry I will give the summary of what happened and all of that, Also please vote and comment more guys,it is some what an energy booster for me.

Now you all may proceed to read the Great Adhvika Mahajan.

I͜͡ k͜͡n͜͡o͜͡w͜͡ m͜͡o͜͡s͜͡t͜͡ o͜͡f͜͡ y͜͡o͜͡u͜͡ a͜͡l͜͡l͜͡ a͜͡r͜͡e͜͡ g͜͡o͜͡i͜͡n͜͡g͜͡ t͜͡o͜͡

s͜͡k͜͡i͜͡p͜͡ t͜͡h͜͡e͜͡ A͜͡u͜͡t͜͡h͜͡o͜͡r͜͡'s͜͡ n͜͡o͜͡t͜͡e͜͡ 😑😏

Just kidding 😂




This was the only word which was constantly going on in my mind right now.


He is a cheater..
How did he even have the heart to cheat on someone like me?
Like really me The Great Princess Adhvika Mahajan?
Am I a joke now?
That's just so ridiculous!!


I seriously cannot believe this, what has the world ... Uh!! How was the world... Uh!!

Wait a god damm minute!!
What has the world become or How was the world before?
This was,is, is so confusing not to forget it is frustrating as hell!!
I can't even understand in which time dimension am I even living and experiencing?

Cause I am from Future and this is past, but now that I am in Past, this past also becomes my past, present and even future, like the usual cycle. However I did time travel so this is Past, nonetheless It is also going to be my present and future.
Isn't it so easy!!
Yeah easy peasy lemon squeezy.

One thing was sure that I cannot inform anyone about my crazy adventures in the Dwapar era, which by the way is very important to ensure the safety of my great self and also to prevent my precious self to land in an asylum.Nevertheless, I can atleast question generally out of sheer curiosity right?

So I am going to question all the scientists about this greatest challenge.

Atleast I won't be the only one to loose my brain cells over this issue. If my great self is going to suffer then the scientists are going to suffer with me.
Hmm, good
I nodded my head in conclusion.

Wait!! Did I forget something?


The Cheater!!

I glared accusingly at the Cheater, who just had a blank stare, he looked un-bothered and he wasn't even slightly affected by my glare. Not even a bit!!

"You are a cheater!! You cheated !!" I accused doubtlessly with a huff. The Cheater had the audacity to cast me a bemused expression.

"I did--"

"See you did!! I knew it already, how can you even think about cheating on me? " I cut him off and exclaimed with certainty. I nodded to myself, I am right!! Ofcourse I have to be right!!

"Adhvi you are a sore loser!!" He remarked with a smug look. While I grumbled irritatedly.

"No I am not, I am certain that you are cheating Maharaj!!" I persistently stated. While he sighed heavily.

"Adhvi!! I warned you before hand that I never lose this game, except for the times when I would play with Shakuni. Regardless of my warnings you were determined to win against me. " Maharaj Dhritrashtra informed me with a I-told-you-so look.
I scowled disapprovingly!!

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