Chapter 30

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A/n:- Hi Great Readers!! *Waving both hands repeatedly*  I am once again here to thank you all for 13k reads. *Squealing* Thank you so much my dear readers. I thank all my active readers as well as my silent readers.  Please keep supporting me and my book, and do vote and comment more guys!! It's as I always said, is a huge motivation for me.

Also I would like to thank Cutie_Toes for making such a wonderful cover. Thank you honey ❤️

We are in chapter 30 wow!!
Good good!!
Ok!! So I will take my leave now.
*Waving hands and exiting from here, for now (sheepishly grinning) *



I couldn't sleep so I thought to wander around a bit. Yes wander because I knew for sure that I might get lost any moment, so why to even bother trying to remember the directions and stressing about the fact that you might get lost in the hallways or the corridors. These Gigantic Palaces are like some maze you know, if this Palace had all types of traps in them, then I would have taken it for The Maze in the Maze Runner, well thankfully the builder and designer didn't think to make this Palace a little unique and disastrous or maybe they knew before hand that the people or more specifically the Royals (Animals) who will live here will cause enough destruction, not to their lovely Palace but to the whole Aryavart. 

Uh-huh!! That maybe the case.

If by any chance anyone is wondering about me being an Archaeologist may help
me more than anyone else, but nope that's not the case here, as we used to get maps of the Palace or any other archaeological site on our phones, a real map in our hand with proper instructions and also our Professor would take us along with a tour guide. Yeah we pretty much had a whole bunch of 25 peoples.

Now, back to me wandering around,  yep I am in the Royal Guest Garden.

However nowadays I don't get lost every moment as I would before, now I can go to Maharaj and Maharani's room  that whole wing has five rooms, and I know where Bratha Karn's room is, hence I know all the Kauravas rooms too.....

Uh!! Ok!!

I know that the eighteen eldest Kauravas, which obviously includes Mr Buffalo and that Pervert Donkey along with them,the flying pig and Bratha Karn stayed in a special wing, which was just next to the Maharaj's wing.
Next special wing which was next to Bratha Karn and the rest of the animal's  wing, comprised the rooms of the five Pandavas and 15 more Kauravas, well in short the remaining wings on that floor is filled with the rest of the 67 animals.

Wait a minute!!
Why in the Mahadev's name am I speaking about those animals?
I shook my head to clear out those animal's thoughts.

Nope, I don't want to ruin my mood by thinking especially about that Flying pig and his beloved Pervert Donkey.

So I gazed at the boundless night sky,which was occupied by uncountable number of moons, dwarf planets, meteors, comets, planets, black holes, neuron stars, stars, cosmic dust, galaxies, quasars.......... .
Uh ok!!
So much for trying to sound poetic.
I sighed helplessly.

Why am I speaking about Astrophysics?
About Cosmology in general. Shouldn't I be appreciating the beauty of the night sky rather than revising about the bunch of things we found, named and all?

This is so frustrating!! This is also one of the perks of having a science crazed family. My Bhai's and Di's loved speaking about everything and anything related to Science. Yes!! Related to Science.

Where normal brother's and sister's fight for their toys, food,clothes or over their favorite TV shows or something like those. My Bhai's and Di's would fight and have a debate in the dinning table about Science and it's branches. Theoretical physics to particle physics, Quantum mechanics to Astrophysics. Botany to Microbiology, Anatomy to Ecology. Inorganic chemistry to organic chemistry and so much more. You know what's the best part?

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