Chapter 9

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"You are part of my story, memory and scenery, thank you."

~Kim Taehyung



"Why do I have so many things" I say to myself as I pick up the last box and stumble with it into my apartment. Well.. my new one.

Flashback to yesterday...

"Hello" I answer the phone again.

"Y/N! It's me." they say.


"Yes yes, I know I only told you this morning about the new apartment I found you and said that I'd like for you to move in as soon as possible. But I'd like you to move in by tomorrow." Pd-nim says

"T-tomorrow?!" I stutter. How would I move all of my things out by tomorrow? I just got settled in and bought more household items, and now I have to move out again.

"Yes, tomorrow, and I'd like you to keep it a secret from the boys. I've already arranged for their other assistant to take over your duties for the next three days." he says.

"The next three days? Oh.. um... Pd-nim about that..." I begin.

"Yes? Is something wrong?" he asks.

"No nothings wrong! It's just that before you called me I just finished a call.. with future you."

"Oh really? Well, what did he -I- say?" he chuckles at his use of pronouns on himself.

"Uh, well, you see, he wants me to come back for a little while I know it's quite soon seeing that I just got here a few days ago but apparently it's something very important that he needs to discuss with me face to face. " I say all in one breath.

"Oh I see, hmm" Pd-nim pauses. "Well alright I'll make something work here for you to be gone for a few days. Will it still be possible for you to move in on time?" 

"Yes sir, I'll get right on it now." I reply.

"Great," he says, "I'll see you in a few days then. Safe travels I guess?"

End of Flashback...

"Ha," I straighten and dust off my hands, "that's the last of it."

I collapse onto my new sofa,- just as I did in my first apartment,- sighing and letting my body relax it's muscles. "That's my workout done for the day." 

This was one of the hardest things I've ever done in a span of less than 48 hours. I had to pack up all of my belongings- which wasn't THAT much- and deep clean the whole apartment.My body aches all over.

Just as I got enough energy to pull myself into a seated position, a notification comes through on my phone. Grabbing it I see that it is a text from and unknown number,

Text from Unknown:


Who is this?

Noona, it's Taehyung!!

Taehyung? How'd you get my number?

That's a secret I'm afraid I cannot tell you Noona :)


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