Chapter 54

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Bong pulls into a parking spot and switches the car off. He turns to face me and sees my hands clutching tightly around the seatbelt. "Y/n I'm sorry I should have asked you first. You're uncomfortable, I'll take you home-"he turns to start the car but I stop him. "No!-"I have no idea what's going on with me. It feels like I have no control over my body. Like I've been possessed by something that's making me do things I never thought I would do again.

I would never have come back to this place on my own. I would have never even thought about this place if Bong hadn't mentioned that he had to come to practice. But now I'm here, where everything started. If I was in my right mind I would have asked him to turn around and take me home, away from here but I don't want him to take me home.

He looks at me with confusion. "I mean, no you don't have to. You're already late for practice. I don't want to make you more late than you already are."

"But Y/n-"

"I'll stay." I say interrupting him again. He studies my face carefully. I give him the best smile I could show hoping that he doesn't question me further and just accepts it. It seems my plan works as he eventually nods and unbuckles himself before stepping out the car. I let out a breath and unbuckle myself putting my hand on the door handle.

Y/n what are you doing?

I open the door and step out closing it behind me as Bong locks it and guides me to the building entrance. He leads me to an elevator and motions for me to hop in. He presses the button for the 5th floor and stands by my side as the doors close in front of us. On the way up he didn't say anything to me and continued to have a slight frown on his face while glancing at me every few seconds. The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open. The moment the hallway is revealed a sudden wave of anxiety rushes over me causing me to stop in my tracks.

"You ok?" Bong asks looking at me with concern. I didn't think this whole thing through again. What if someone recognizes me here?! Word can spread fast around the building from what I remember when I worked here.

"I didn't really think this through," I nervously rub my arm, "What if someone recognizes me?" Bong raises an eyebrow, "Right, I didn't think of that um," he scratches his head and looks down the hallway out the elevator. "I have a hat in my gym bag that you can wear. It's in the practice room though so we'll have to hurry." I nod and follow his lead down the hallway. After taking a couple turns we eventually come to a stop in front one of the doors. Luckily the hallways seem to be deserted from any employees so we had no trouble avoiding people. "This is where I practice." Bong says opening the door and stepping in. I follow him close behind and look around the room.

It's a large spaced room with a couch at the one end and a few chairs placed at the other. It's similar to the practice room I used to watch the boys dance in. The memories come to mind again but quickly vanish when I feel something being placed on my head. "Here, this should help cover your face a little." Bong says placing a navy blue cap on my head. "Thanks" I say adjusting it so I could see him. He heads over to the couch and takes a seat. I sit next to him and look around the room. "I thought you said you were late for practice?" I question him.

"I am, but my team mates are usually late as well. Our coach purposely shows up later than supposed to because he knows we'll be late." He laughs. I laugh along but stop when the door burst open.

"Sorry we're late!"

Three guys come stumbling into the room panting heavily trying to catch their breaths. They look around the room and land their eyes on Bong and I. "Where is everyone?" one of them asks, he's tall with blonde hair.

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