Chapter 22

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I finally snap out of my quiet argument with myself, when the elevator doors open revealing the floor where the practice rooms are located. Taking a deep breath I head towards the practice room door. Opening it and slowly peeking my head inside I see the boys laughing and teasing Jungkook, as he runs after Jimin. 

Jimin laughs as he tries to run away holding his phone in the air away from Jungkook. "Yah Jimin, I don't know what you're trying to accomplish there, but you know Jungkook is taller than you right? He can easily grab your phone." Namjoon says holding his stomach after he calmed down from laughing too hard. 

"Hyung!-" Jimin starts to complain but is cut off by Jungkook jumping on his back and grabbing his phone. "Yah Jungkook! Give it back!" Jimin leaps towards Jungkook but is too slow as Jungkook hops out of the way. "No hyung! Who knows what you're gonna say next on the group. You're making it sound weird!" Jungkook then slips Jimin's phone into his back pocket. 

The others begin laughing and teasing him again. I take this opportunity to walk in and make myself known. "Stop teasing Jungkook." They all turn at the sound of my voice.  "Y/n~" Taehyung sings as he skips towards me. He slings his arm around my shoulders and pulls me towards the group. "Just the person we wanted to see." said Hobi. 

"Ok listen, before any of you say something to tease us again let me make this story clear." I say as I slip out from Taehyungs arm and stand next to Jungkook. I was feeling brave, and wanted the guys to stop teasing Jungkook. Don't get me wrong, I love it when they tease each other and make jokes, but this time it was about me and Jungkook. If they continued to tease us about it I'd be too embarrassed to ever face them again. 

Jungkook looked at me before I said, "Ok so, Jungkook came over and brought-" I stopped talking when Jin raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat. I pulled my lips in a line and huffed starting again, "Jungkook... oppa, " Jin then nodded his head in approval while the others snickered and Jungkook started to blush at the name, "...came over and brought a bag full of snacks. He asked to stay over because he said that you guys would be making noise and he just wanted a quiet place to rest for a while after a long day of work. So we just watched a movie and he accidentally fell asleep. That's it." 

"Well why didn't you wake him up?" Yoongi asked. I shut my mouth to think for a moment. Why didn't I wake him up? I look up at the guys who all have a slight smirk on their faces. Jungkook too is looking at me, "You could have woken me up." he says quietly. 

"You said you had a long day, and I could see that you were tired and wanted a quiet place to just rest. So when you fell asleep I felt too bad to wake you up." I said looking him straight in the eye. Where the hell did my confidence come from?! I should be stumbling on my words and becoming a total mess right about now with all their stares. 

"That makes sense." Jin says, "but what doesn't make sense is the bag of snacks? Why did you bring that? Did you know she was gonna let you stay~"  he teased more. Jungkook's cheeks became more red than they were before. He shook his head, "N-no hyung! They were an apology gift. For when you freaked her out yesterday." He said quickly. 

"Oh," it was Jin's turn to blush, "A-about that, I'm sorry Y/n. Really I am." he looks down at his feet. A small smile forms on my lips, even though he is the oldest in the group, he sometimes looks like the youngest when he's embarrassed or guilty of something. "Jin Oppa, it's ok. I'm fine now." He looks up at me and goes to say something but I shake my head and smile at him. He relaxes and smiles too. 

Jimin huffs a sigh, "Well that was now boring. I was having fun teasing Kook." he crosses his arms and turns his head to the side in disappointment. "Oh yeah Jimin oppa, about that message you sent," I say as I turn to look at him. He too turns to look at me. "That was just weird." I pull a face and he scratches the back of his neck and opens his mouth to something but I cut him off, "And don't think I'm letting you off about that, I'm on Jungkook's side." I say and set my coffee down on the floor before rolling up my sleeves. Jimin's face drops and he begins to slowly back away from me. I then leap towards him and begin chasing him around the room. The others laugh at us while recording the whole thing. 


After Jimin and I's little tag session, the boys had to head back to practice. I returned to the lab and continued to do my research.  After about 30 minutes I sigh and lean back in my chair. It's almost impossible to find anything on these people, other than they know how to time travel, and that they apparently know who I am. How am I gonna protect the boys from them? The boys. My mind begins to drift towards them back in the past. They should be practicing for their concert by now. They've worked so hard to debut. If only they knew how well they will do, and how far they will go. 

I remember how excited and nervous they were on the day they debuted. I was so nervous as well, they left me in charge of making sure everything was there and ready for the boys when they walked into the dressing room. I barley got to talk to them because I was so worried about making sure they were alright. And then when I was walking out in the corridors I stumbled upon that  group of boys. They kind of look suspicious but maybe they were just fans? They could have been fans of the boys while they were still traine-

wait... those boys...

I stand up immediately from my chair and grab my bag running out of the lab past Pd-nim. "Y/n? What's wrong?" I don't stop to answer him and I rush out of his office and down the hall to the elevator. It takes to long to arrive so I head towards the stairs. I'm on the 15th floor.... I shake my head and start running down the stairs, skipping two at a time. Eventually I reach the bottom and make my way down the hallway rushing past the receptionist. "Miss Y/n? Is everything alright?" she asks as she stands up looking concerned, I wave my hands and continue out the door. 

I rush towards my car that I decided to drive to work, -glad that I did,-   and hop in starting the engine and backing out the parking lot. It takes me 8 minutes to get to my apartment. I rush up to my door, fumbling with my keys to open it. Once it's open I dash towards my bedroom. "Where did I put it, where did I put it, where- ah found it!" I open up the file that I had at the time of BTS's debut. Flipping to the back of the file, I see the name I had written down, 


A small beeping sound rings in my ear, "Y/n? Y/n can you hear me?" It's Pd-nim. 

I tap the ear piece, "Pd-nim," I say as a smile forms on my lips. 

"Y/n are you alright? What happened? Why did you run out like that?" he says with concern. 

"I think I might know who these other travelers are."


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