Chapter 12

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"I tend to forget about the past"

~Kim Seokjin


"Jungko-" Hoseok says but Jungkook doesn't listen and leaves the room

Once he left all that remained was silence...

"I'll go talk to him." Namjoon gets up and leaves the room. We all watch as he leaves and sit in silence. I don't know if it's right for me to ask, but I have no idea what's going on. Before I speak Jin  beats me too it, 

"Yah Taehyung! Why would you mention the article in the first place? You know to just skip over it and pay no attention to it!" He scolds Taehyung as he looks down at his phone that is still showing the article. 

"I'm sorry hyung. I just forgot." He says quietly. 

"You forgot? Taehyung we've been over this a dozen time how could you-" Jin sighs and rubs his forehead.  

"Guys calm down ok. There's no need to fight." Hoseok says as he tries to calm Jin down. 

 "I'm sorry Y/n I'm guessing you're confused on what's going on?" Yoongi turns to me with gentle eyes that hold a slight glimpse of sadness.  

I stutter with my words, "U-um just a bit, yeah."

"Can I tell her?" Jimin asks looking at Yoongi for conformation to speak. Yoongi nods. Jimin turns to me and says,

"Recently we've seen articles pop up about Jungkook, saying mean things about how he looks and what kind of person he is. Saying that he yells at people, orders them around and- basically how bad of an idol he is. It's really been affecting his self-esteem."  

"Oh.." I frown as I listen to Jimin. 

"But not just Jungkook, there are some about the rest of us too. He just gets criticized the most  for some unknown reason. We've tried to find the main source of these articles but there seems to be numerous people or a large group posting negative things about us." Yoongi states. 

"At this point we've stopped paying attention to them, but Jungkook won't stop reading them. Once there was an article saying how he's gained so much weight that he literally didn't eat for a week and collapsed during one of our practices." Hoseok says as he looks down remembering that awful time where he's younger brother suffered so much because of an article.

My heart clenches. Jungkook is suffering so much, and his members have tried to help him but he won't listen.  

I need to go speak to him.

"Guys," Everyone in the room turns to look at me, "Thank you for telling me." 

"It's alright Y/n, you are our personal assistant so you kind of need to know about these things. Also, ok this might sound cheesy but, I have a feeling that we can trust you, ya know." Jimin says as he looks at me with a small smile.  

"Yeah you do give off that vibe." Hoseok chuckles causing the others to laugh along, except Jin and Taehyung. 

"Jin? Taehyung?" I say. They immediately look at me and back at each other before bowing their heads again. "Please look at me?" They raise their heads again. "It's ok to fight sometimes. It's a normal thing in a friend group. When friends fight it's way of getting rid of any turbulence and obstacles in the way so that you can continue to fly. It's cheesy I know but it's true. Ok? So please don't be mad at each other. Taehyung just made a mistake, and Jin you should just reassure him that's it's alright. Everyone makes mistakes in life." 

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