Chapter 20

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"I swear I've seen you before. Like in the past." Jin says as he frowns in my direction. The boys look between us as they watch their eldest stare me down.

"W-what?" I nervously say. "T-that's impossible, I-"

"You're not the only one hyung," Yoongi says catching everyone's attention, "I've thought the same thing. I just can't place my finger on where I've hard her name before?" 

"Actually, same." Hobi says as he tilts his head, "I think there might have been someone who used to work with us with the same name.. right?" The members begin mumbling their thoughts out loud. All except one. 
I start biting my bottom lip nervously as I clench my hands into fists. This isn't good.
Jungkook notices my nervous behavior, "Hyungs, stop you're making her uncomfortable. She doesn't know what's going on."

I look towards Jungkook just as he looks at me and mentally thank him. Looking back at the members intense stares, "I-I think I'm gonna head home." I stutter griping my bags strap. Jin stands up followed by the others, "Y/n I'm sorry I didn-"

"No No! It's alright really. I-I'm just.... I have.... I-I have to go, bye." I walk out the door ignoring their calls. 

Jungkook pov.

Now she's freaked out. "Hyung, you've spooked her." I say looking at Jin as he rubs his eyes. He sighs and takes a seat. "I didn't mean too, I just... I just had this vision or memory whatever you wanna call it." he says

"What was it about hyung?" Jimin asks

Jin frowns, "I dunno.... we were in a building, it looked like the old company building..." we all take a seat around Jin as he continues, "we were talking to someone but- I can't seem to remember their face... its frustrating because I feel like I know them."

"So?.." Namjoon begins, "Where does the whole 'family' thing come from?"

"We were talking to this person and someone - one of us I presume- said "you're like family". That's why I felt as though it was right to say it to Y/n. I don't think it's her but there was definitely someone who we knew back then." 

We all sit in silence as we process what Jin said. Why did his story sound so familiar?  Frowning I ask, "Do... any of you hyungs remember that?" 

"Kinda," Taehyung says as he scratches his head. "But not that memory, something else."

"What?" Hobi asks

"We were standing in front of someone's door. And when they opened it, all I can remember is feeling sad." Taehyung said as he looks down. 

"Wait, I think I know what you are talking about Tae." Jimin says, "Weren't they living next door to us?"

"Oh, I think you're right hyung." Taehyung says as his eyes widen. 

"I-I remember that!" Hobi says as he stands up, "Who was that." he says as he lightly taps his head trying to dive into his memories. The others agree to that they all remember that memory.

"Seems like we've all had some sort of memory of this person, whoever they are. Yoongi says as he leans back in his chair. After a short moment of silence he says, "This is going to bother me. Try thinking harder, who was that." Yoongi says as he closes his eyes. We all close our eyes and try to think of this person. 

Suddenly a foggy memory appears in my mind;


"-does this mean you'll miss our concert?" I said

"I-I'm not sure about that one Kook." the mystery person says.

 "No worries! We'll take a lot of pictures and videos for you to watch Noona! Right guys!" Hobi says quickly.

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