Chapter 3

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" I still can't believe what I'm hearing." Bang Pd-nim said with he's head in he's hands. I guess I understand how he must feel right now. I too couldn't believe what Pd-nim was trying to explain to me when we first met. I though he was playing some prank on me about time travel. 

Trust me sir, I still can't believe it. I answer him in my thoughts.
"I know it's hard to believe but-" you started to say.

"Alright!" Bang Pd-nim interrupted me by slamming his hands on the table. He looked at me with hard stern eyes.  "I'll believe you seeing that you know things that people shouldn't." he says as I begin smile and relax.
"And seeing that your job is to assure the boys that their choice of becoming idols isn't the wrong choice and that they head on the right path, we'll need to do something first in order for you to become closer to them." Bang Pd-nim says looking to the side as he tried to come up with a good plan.

My smile drops. Closer to them?! How? I've only ever seen them on TV never in reality. I didn't think this far when agreeing to do this. I thought. Well I should have, how else do i show them how successful they will be! Lost in my own thoughts, Bang Pd-nim clears his throat,
"Oh," snapping back into reality I say, "yes sir?" 

"I called your name a few times miss Y/N," he said with a blank expression.
"S-sorry sir" I stutter.
"It's alright," he says with a slight smile, "must be hard staying somewhere new huh? Your mind must be very confused."
"O-oh, yes, quite. Still trying to get used to things around here." I lied.
"Well with that thought I came up with the perfect plan." He says with a confident look.
Raising my eyebrows to show him that I'm listening to what he has to suggest.

"You'll become their personal assistant as well as living next door to the boys for the time being. That way you'll be able to see them everyday and watch them training." He said with a triumph look.



After the long 3 hour talk with Bang Pd-nim you make your way to the exit of BigHit.
I hear laughter and some chattering becoming louder and louder as I walk down the narrow hall.

A group of boys walk in through the entrance doors and head down the same hall I'm in. All wearing casual clothing, laughing and smiling. A few of them stop laughing as they see me standing awkwardly looking at them (yes I'm awkward with crowds. Big or small.) Now with shy and embarrassed smiles three bow to greet me, and soon the rest follow and shortly after continue with their inner joke.
I bow back greeting them too with a small smile, Nice manners,  I think to myself. Just before I step around them to leave, one of them speak up,
"Oh! I've seen you before,"
I turn around.
"Outside the store." One of the boys say.
"Sorry?" I ask, I've never seen them before have I? 
"Oh yeah! I remember." Another boy says.
"Kook, isn't this the girl you were staring at?" The first boy asks a younger looking boy.
"Y-yah! Stop that! I thought I told you I wasn't staring!" He argues.
"Ooo someone's getting red, hahaha" the second boy teases.
"Yah stop teasing poor Jungkook." An older boy says.

Wait! Kook? Jungkook?? The Jungkook! Jeon Jungkook of BTS!!! Omg omg omg!!! Breathe Y/N breathe...... They are so young I didn't even recognise them! Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hosoek, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. All seven of them are in front of me! What have I done to recive such a blessing!!

"I'm sorry for their behavior, they still haven't learned how to become as mature as the rest of us." Said Jin.
"Hyung, you may be older than us in age but not mentally." Said Yoongi.
The rest of the boys all laugh.
"Yah!" Jin shouts, about to slap Yoongi on the back of his head.
"I'm sorry for disturbing you like this, I'm sure you're very busy." Namjoon says with an apologetic look.
"N-no no it's quite alright, I'm not actually in any rush, b-but I'm sure you boys have some work to do." I stutter, why am I stuttering. Not. Cool. 
"Ah it's not a problem we're early for once," Namjoon replies with a kind smile.

Oh the dimples! I'm melting!

"Anyway we'll be off then." They all bow once again and leave. Most probably to the practice room.
Before turning to head for the exit, Jungkook turns and makes eye contact with me. He quickly turns around again, cheeks turning a deep red.
"Cute." I giggle and turn to make my way out the door.
"Yah Kook! Are you blushing again!!" You hear Jimin say a little loudly.


Back at the apartment, I collapsed onto the sofa, "Haa what a day." Meeting past Bang Pd-nim AND past BTS in just one day! AND ITS  ONLY YOUR FIRST OFFICIAL DAY IN 2013!!!

Still somehow I can't believe that this is happening to me. It just seems like one weird dream, and I really don't wanna wake up.

It's about two in the afternoon now and I haven't had lunch yet. Ordering a quick takeout online, I wait patiently while watching some RUN BTS.
I'm so glad my phone still keeps up to date with the future.

"RUN! BTS!" They boys yell together. 

I instantly smile without knowing, it's so nice to see them smile, but I'm not sure if it's all fake smiles that they're putting on for their fans, so that they don't worry about them.

In this episode the boys are outside in the bright sun, they're dressed in cool summer clothing, some wearing hats and others sunglasses. 

"ahem...Waah, it's so bright today." Jimin says trying to start a casual conversation. 

"Y-Yeah, look how blue the sky is." Jin replies. He's stutter doesn't go unseen though. All the members look up at the sky quietly admiring how clear it is. They look as if all they want to do is lay on the grass and do nothing. 

It's quiet for a few minutes before-

"Haa... OK! Should we find out what today's RUN BTS is about?" Namjoon sighs before asking. It's almost as if he isn't happy out doing the show today. What's really going on? There's something we're missing but what? I think quietly while watching each members move.  

A series of "What's" and "Oh" are heard. Soon all the members attention are on the director to hear today's mission, some are slowly zoning out while others try to focus on the director....


20 minutes later and my takeout arrives. "Thank you!" I bow to the delivery man, and close the door. Quickly hopping back to the sofa as to not miss the show. 

The boys just finished their second game of the day "Foot Volleyball", it's one of their favorite games to play but I could see how they were not giving their all and how some of them had puzzled faces at certain times. Jimin and Taehyung were trying to make light jokes here and there but it didn't seem to work as they had hopped. 

"What's going on with them?" I say to myself. What's happened to them to make them so unhappy it's as if, 

somethings missing? 


Thank you all for being so patient <3

I'll try to post as much as I can!

Have a good day :)


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