Chapter 51

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"WOAH!" Jae yells accidently swerving the car at my sudden outburst. We all lean to the left from the sudden movement of the car. Jae steadies the vehicle shortly after with quick reflexes, "Geez Y/n! Don't do that!"

"I'm so sorry." I cover my mouth with one hand as my eyes grow wider with each second after hearing their name. This has to be a dream right? Of course I'm dreaming. I just need to wake up, yeah that's it. With my other hand I pinch my thigh as hard as I can. "Owmh.."I say muffled behind my hand as all I feel is pain.

No, no, this can't be....

This is real!?

"What's wrong?" Min-ji says after recovering from the sudden swerve and looking at me confused. I look at her wide eyed, slowly removing my hand from my mouth. "Why didn't you tell me..." I say quietly.

She looks at me innocently, "I just forgot, besides I also kind of wanted it to be a surprise too. Looking at your reaction it must have surprised you." She giggles. "You don't get their tickets that easily. They're expensive and sell out so fast." She turns back to face the front. "I was lucky enough to get them."

"Lucky?" Jae says and scoffs, "You stayed awake that whole night just as they came out. You were like one of the first to get them."

"I was the 270th to get in. Which beats my score last time when I was 296th." Min-ji smirks pointing out the facts. Jae rolls his eyes in response.

They continue bickering about the tickets as I zone out in the back forgetting that I'm even in the car with them. Still in a stunned state I lean back and stare at my hands in my lap. They start to tremble slightly.

I-I'm going to see them...

At that moment it felt as if the whole world went silent. A slight ringing noise taking over my mind. I place a shaky hand on my chest as I feel my heart rate increase. I try to take deep breaths to calm it down, but it only increases as their name continues to repeat inside my head like it's haunting me. There's a small tingle feeling in my nose while I continue to try and take deep breaths. I grip the end of my skirt as the tears begin to form in my eyes. No, no, no I can't be like this. Not now, not ever.

Snap out of it Y/n!


Why now after all this time... why do they have to appear in front of me like this? I-I'm supposed to avoid them at all costs. That's the silent promise I made that day. But, why is my plan crumbling now. How could I have let this happen?! Why is the world turning on me?!!


"Huh?" I look up to see Min-ji looking at me with concern over her face and Jae peering at me through the mirror. "I've been calling you. Are you alright? You look liked you've seen a ghost or something."

"Wha- no. I-I'm fine, just fine." I stutter trying to give her a smile but fail terribly. She looks at me a little longer before turning around and grabbing her water bottle and handing it to me with a smile. "You must be nervous about seeing them in person. I was like that too at my first BTS concert. I totally freaked out when I saw Taehyung in person."

Even hearing one of their names sting my heart.

"That's because you said he was destined to be your husband, even though I was standing right next to you." Jae mumbles the last part focusing on the road. "Oh stop being so jealous over my Tae-!" Min-ji stops and faces the front again, "It's them listen!" she says excitingly as she turns up the radio in the car. "It's like they knew we were coming to see them."

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