Hello Again

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Hi, everyone! It's been a while. I am absolutely speechless over the immense support that this story has received over the years. It's truly astonishing. Thank you, to every single one of you that has read up to this point. It means the world to me.

Although it hasn't seemed that long, this story was actually written by myself back before I started high school. Of course, I finished it just a couple of years ago. However, now that I am in college and have taken strives to improve my writing, I like to go back and look at my old written works and see where I would make changes. 

That includes this story.

Considering that my writing style and imaginative processes have changed greatly since this project began, I have begun a re-write that expresses my new views on this type of romantic writing. Although it is still in the works, much of the new version has been completely reimagined in a way that I think makes the story more fluid and less immaturely dramatic.

At first, I had planned on keeping this re-write to myself in my archives, but I figured "what's the point?" So, I am offering this to all of my amazing readers: would you be interested in reading it if I published it? 

Let me know what you all think about this idea and comment if you'd follow me on this journey once again.

It was great talking to you all again :)

Best wishes,

L0VEandLUST <3

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