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"So basically, you can turn into a dragon at will? And your crazy strength makes you a God?" A harsh slap to the back of Sting's head made a smack resound at the docks.

"No, idiot. I'm not actually a God, my power is just similar to it."

"So, you're a God?" Rin huffed in annoyance. Man, she wanted to slap this idiot to sleep. "You know I'm just teasing you, right?"

"YoU kNoW i'M jUsT tEaSiNg YoU rIgHt," Rin mocked back. Ajeel sighed as he led them to their ship to sail back to Ishgar. He swore, he was dealing with two children. "You're unbearable sometimes."

"As if you're any better." Her glare in itself was enough to make the blonde shoot his hands up in defeat. "I-I'm just kidding. Calm down." Sting then followed up with a groan. "I am so not looking forward to all this traveling we're about to do."

"We could either take the boat, or we can see just how long I can maintain my dragon form for?" The male couldn't tell if she was threatening him or if she was truly curious if she could pull it off. The playful glint in her violet eyes made him think the latter.

"There's no way we're pulling a stunt like that off." He began to step away and led her aboard the ship. "We can have all the fun we want with your abilities when we get home." Rin scowled at his unintended innuendo. She turned back, her brunette hair swaying around her shoulders.

"Goodbye, Ajeel." She stepped into his tan embrace, holding it for a moment longer knowing she wouldn't be seeing him all that often anymore. "I'll miss you."

"Don't worry, Rin. I'll keep in touch." She nodded at him and joined her boyfriend on the ship who was giving the King a victorious grin. "Have a safe trip." With a nod to the blonde, the King began to return to his palace where he would begin his ruling.

"Get that smug smirk off your face."

"I'm just happy that he's finally acknowledged me, is all."

"As a mage or as my mate?" Sting crossed his arms and shrugged.

"Both." This made Rin burst into laughter. He positioned his body in front of hers and gently wrapped his arms around her torso. "Now that this business trip is over, we're retiring."

"W-what?" He chuckled at her sputtered attempt at words. "No way!"

"Come on! We can just relax and enjoy ourselves. It'll be great!"

"We're not even old enough to retire yet..." Rin wrapped her arms behind his waist and found herself nuzzling her nose into his shoulder. "I'm gonna continue my work as a Council Member and you're gonna keep running the guild and we'll make it by."

"But with the time you spend at the Council Hall and Fairy Tail, I'm never gonna see you." She sighed. He was absolutely right. Their lives were just centered very far apart.

"I know..." She pondered the idea. She was the one that had a lot on her plate, so it was time for her to give something up. It was only fair to him as she could never make him give up Sabertooth. On the other hand, she could never leave Fairy Tail after everything she and her family had been through. "The Council will just have to find another member." Sting pulled away to stare at her for a moment. His sapphire irises were dilated as he gazed at her.

"Really? But I thought―"

"I can't give you or Fairy Tail up and there's no way I'm letting you leave Sabertooth. So, I guess you'll just have to go on missions with me sometimes."

"I'm going on all of them." He shook his head before she could speak. "I don't care if I have responsibilities. I'm in charge and I can go on missions if I want to." She giggled at his stubborn pout.

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