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"Do you have to go right away?" Rin gripped the seam of Sting's opened, black, button down. His calloused hand perched itself on the top of her head, smoothing her soft hair down in comfort. She leaned into his touch, savoring every bit of it.

"We only said we were coming to visit Fairy Tail. If we don't go home, Yukino will surely think something happened to us." The brunette sighed as she rested her head against his bare chest.

"Yukino," she grumbled out. It was very clear that she thought that her mate was thinking of another female before her. Rogue snickered from his position behind the two. Clearly, he found the bout of jealousy hilarious. The blonde rolled his eyes and lightly karate chopped his lover in the head.

"Don't be so possessive. I'm Sabertooth's master, you know? I have to go back to my duties at home."

"You didn't care about your duties when I was leaving..." He hit her again.

"Stop complaining." He beamed at her with the same idiotic grin and rosy cheeks he always did. "If you miss me so much, maybe you should come with us." Rin sighed again and pulled her body away from his.

"I've gotta stay here. This is where my family is." Sting nodded, very well already knowing the answer to his proposition.

"The doors will always be open for you." He opened his arms back up for a final hug and she gladly accepted. Her arms snaked their way around his waist while his pulled her closer around her shoulders. They constantly tried to pull each other closer, but they knew that the distance between them was bound to grow again. Without notice, Sting ducked his head down to catch her lips in a sweet kiss.

Rin was surprised by his lack of hesitation but gave in anyways. After a couple seconds, they released each other as to not make it awkward for the other two Sabertooth members around them. The male rested his forehead against hers, locking eyes with her. He immediately took notice of how hers were glazed over with fresh tears. He smiled sadly at the sight.

"I love you, Sting."

"I love you, too." He reached out and grabbed her hand, interlocking his fingers with hers. "Please don't disappear again. My heart won't be able to take it."

"I promise." With one final peck on his lips, Rin stepped back and released him for his journey home. "Travel safely." A quick nod was all she received in return as he, Rogue, and Minerva turned their backs on her with their Exceeds in tow.

The Dragon Slayer spun on her heel to regroup with the other Fairy Tail members. However, a sense of dread filled her gut as she walked away from the man she loved. It was almost as if the fight wasn't over quite yet.

"What's going on, Master?!"

"This isn't the time to joke!"

"How the hell are we gonna keep food on the table then?!"

"This isn't your problem alone!"

Rin stood at the back of the angry guild members, watching from a distance. From a first glance, she seemed as calm as ever. However, she was trembling with rage at the old man.

"I will disband Fairy Tail. Go. Go where your beliefs and your legs will take you. That's all there is." More yells sounded throughout the angry mob. The small man slowly turned his head to face the guild with the most terrifying glare they had ever seen. "Fairy Tail will disband this very instant! And don't let me hear anyone of you speak of that name anymore."

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