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The day began with the bright light of the Alakitasian sun beaming through the window. Rin rose from her position on her side, turning to find the bed cold and empty. She had yet to speak to her lover after their quarrel the previous night. In fact, Sting sat idly by during the dinner and didn't make a single attempt to stop Ajeel's countless flirts. Just the memory of last night broke her heart.

Does he really think I'd get with him because he's a guild master? Or because he was the strongest mage in Sabertooth? Or because he's always featured in Sorcerer Weekly? No. Destiny told them from their births that they were meant to be together—soulmates, even—and she trusted it fully.

Rin got up from the bed, quickly stretching her aching muscles and made her way to the bathroom. However, as soon as she reached for the handle, the door swung open revealing a freshly-showered blonde with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. At one point, the sight would have been flustering, but the tension between the two remained. While Sting's eyes searched for hers, Rin kept her eyes to the floor wanting only to take a shower and get her mind off things.

As she passed by him without even a glance, Sting felt his heart break. He let his pride get the better of him and it was the words that spewed from his mouth that brought them here. He regretted everything that happened the night before and he knew he should've made things right as soon as the dinner finished, but he couldn't help but feel that this was his punishment. So, he gave her some space.

The two did what they needed to do, both getting themselves ready on their respective sides of the room. Sting threw on his spotless, white button-up and tucked them into his white pants. Overtop was a white blazer with gold detailing along the collar and cuffs as well as golden epaulets.

If the previous night was a professional setting, then the coronation was all about elegance.

Rin sported a white dress with a ruffled skirt that draped short in the front and long in the back. The bodice left the entire center of her torso revealed, coming together like a halter top, her back also revealed. The band on her waist was golden to coordinate with Sting and had golden spirals running up until her bust. Her golden heels spiraled up her calf and stopped just below the knee.

The entire outfit, including all of her revealed muscles, left the impression of "I'm the Queen, don't fuck with me". And, in a sense, she was; the Ethereal Queen of Dragons. Her hair was swept to one side in curls a bit more neat and elegant than her natural ones.

Although he felt he should keep his mouth shut, Sting couldn't deny that she looked the part of her title. She was stunning.

Rin turned to face her mate, finding him staring at her in awe. Quickly averting her gaze, she spoke to him for the first time since their argument.

"Are you ready to go?" Sting went to speak, but his words caught in his throat for fear that he'd mess up again. A nod was all she received from the male. As they walked through the palace to where Jacob would escort them to the church, Sting tested the waters from beside her. His hand swung close to hers, brushing up against it lightly as if they were on their first date and nervous about hand-holding.

For a second, Rin's hand flinched in a way that showed she wanted this, but it quickly vanished as she regained her composure. She would not let his words fade lightly. This was probably the worst she had ever been hurt by another and it was an absolutely excruciating feeling.

Sting couldn't sit by and let her be stubborn. He needed to fix this. Now.

As the exit doors became visible on the opposite end of the hallway, Rin felt a hand grip her wrist lightly to stop her from walking further. She spun around and faced a downtrodden Sting. She gulped at the sight; it was like staring at an abandoned puppy. It would make anyone tear up. The blonde exhaled heavily before meeting her eyes.

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