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You guys are gonna hate me after this chapter, but remember, there are good things to come!



Rin had left Sabertooth about a week ago and Sting had yet to hear from her again. He was utterly destroyed inside. The love of his life left him for a shitty job. If she had gone back to Fairy Tail, it would've been different. However, she completely threw him aside without question.

But today was a special day. Rin walked up the grand steps of the Sabertooth guild and swung the doors open. She revealed herself to the hall in her all-black attire underneath a white cloak, held closed by her Wizard Saint pin. She proudly marched through without a word to anyone and directed herself to Sting's office. When she enters, she finds him buried in his work, quickly scribbling his signature onto paper after paper.

When he didn't look up, she thought he hadn't noticed someone entering his office. She rapped her knuckles on the doorframe so he would look up, but he kept his head down. She pouted, still thinking he was unaware of her. She went to speak but was abruptly stopped.

"What do you want, Rin?" She was taken aback by his snarl at her. "Come to act Council-ly and throw more paperwork at me?" Rin was immediately hurt, not understanding where this attitude came from. However, she didn't have any plans on sitting through it.

"So much for wanting to visit," she said in a venomous tone. She made to close the door as she stepped in the hall, but the blonde stopped her.

"Wait." She halted, her back facing him. The blonde frustratedly ran his hands over his face and then tugged at his hair stubbornly. Covering his eyes, he released a deep, irritated sigh before finally throwing his pride away. "I'm sorry."

Rin spun around with her arms crossed over her chest and an eyebrow cocked in skepticism.

"I thought you might enjoy my visit. I guess I was wrong." Sting shook his head wildly.

"No, that's not it at all. It's just—" His words caught in the back of his throat as he made eye contact with the female. Her fierce gaze made him nervous. Rin, on the other hand, was just trying to break him down so he wouldn't lie to her. "Alright! I give! Stop looking at me like that!"

"Are you mad at me?" Rin grit her teeth and held her breath. It took a while for Sting to respond since he wanted to be careful with his words. He sighed again.

"Yes." Rin's shoulders slumped and her gaze moved to her feet. The blonde master moved around the edge of his desk and perched himself on the front edge of it. Neither one of them brought their eyes up from the floor. "I just can't believe how easily you took that offer and left me..."

"Sting... We're just trying to restore order throughout the guilds, and if they need my help, then they're gonna get it. I haven't left you. I'm here right now, aren't I?" Rin hoped he was looking at her, but when she gazed up at him, his eyes were lost in the pattern of the carpet rug. She was disappointed but didn't expect any less. "I know it was an abrupt decision to take the job, but I need to work for myself. I love it here at Sabertooth with you, but I have to do my own work. And I'll always come to visit you. It's not like we're breaking up," she cracked a smile, hoping to lighten the mood.

She waited for him to talk, but he remained silent. Her eyes began to water as she could only imagine what he was thinking of. "D-Do you wanna break up?" The trembling of her voice was extremely noticeable to the blonde, yet he couldn't pull himself out of his head to scream "no" at the top of his lungs.

Not hearing anything from her mate, Rin nodded to herself, accepting what she wasn't hearing and stopping herself from crying because it would hurt too much. She stepped closer to where he sat with his jaw and fists clenched tightly. She placed a featherlight kiss on his cheekbone and turned to leave the room. She silently begged for him to say something to stop her. Hell, he could tackle her and she'd be happy. He didn't move a muscle.

Rin could feel her heart squeezing in her chest. She roughly grabbed the fabric of her shirt in response to the pain. "I didn't come here expecting this to happen. But, don't think for a second that I don't love you because I really, really do. But for now, I guess this is goodbye." She waited longer, praying to god that he'd say something; anything! But he kept to himself.

The brunette finally left the room because she couldn't stand the silence any longer. Sting was screaming at himself inside, yet his body made no move to change the situation. It was over. Who knew fated love could be broken by one's silence?

Rin replaced her sadness with rage. She didn't want anyone to know of her heartbreak, so she put on a mask. Members of Sabertooth watched as she hastily stormed through their lobby and slammed the main doors open with power. The guards she had received as escorts from the Council jumped slightly at the sound of the heavy doors slamming into the walls they were attached to. Rin pushed past them and lead her group back to the Council hall.

Rin sat in her office of the Council hall, panting heavily at the disaster she had become. As soon as she returned, she locked herself away and went on a rampage, screaming at herself and crying her eyes out. Now, a few hours later, she sat with her back against her crooked desk, glancing around at the mess she made. Papers were shredded and thrown everywhere. Books from her bookshelf were scattered across the room. There was a hole in one of the walls. Her inkpot which sat on her desk toppled over and created a stream of black running across her expensive piece of furniture, also dripping onto the wooden floor.

A knock sounded at the door. By the large amount of force used, she could guess it was Gajeel. Rin used her magic to twist the lock so he could enter. When the door swung open, a surprised gasp came from Gajeel's mouth at the sight.

"What the hell happened in here?" He scanned the room, seeing everything she had ruined, but his eyes locked onto the hole in the wall. "What the—?"

"It's a hurricane of emotions in here," she replied as she wiped her eyes of any tears. Gajeel threw her a questioning look. "Sting and I broke up."

"You're mates. Is that allowed?"

"Just because we have Dragon lacrimas inside us doesn't mean we're not human, Gajeel," she said defeatedly. Rin sniffled and hugged her knees close to her chest. "He was upset that I decided to work for the Council, and when I tried to talk to him about it, he wouldn't say anything—" she paused to release a choked sob before continuing. "I asked him if he wanted to end the relationship and he couldn't even look at me! Fuck love! This shit hurts!"

Gajeel slowly approached a took a brotherly seat next to her.

"I don't have any experience, but I understand that you're upset—"

"Oh, shut up. Everyone knows how in love you are with Levy. You don't fool me for a second." Gajeel tensed up but ended the conversation there.

"You know, you originally said 'no' to that job offer because of Sting. How do you feel about it now?"

On the first day she had come to the Council hall, Draculos had given her a job that he wanted her and only her to fulfill. The reason being, it was dangerous and he believed that she was the only one strong enough to survive it. She had declined almost immediately because taking it meant she wouldn't get to see Sting for a very long time and she didn't know if she could do it. But after today, what was holding her back?

"You know what? I'll do it." Gajeel was almost shocked at how quickly she changed her mind, but then he saw the dangerous aura surrounding her body and the dark look in her eyes. "Why not end all of our problems and destroy black magic at its source?" Gajeel stood from beside her and offered her a hand.

"Come on. We've got a lot of preparations to do."


Alright! I need some major opinions from you guys regarding what happens next. The next chapters will move into the new season, but I am genuinely having a hard time deciding whether I should continue in a brand new book as a sequel or if I should continue here. Let me know what you guys think!

Also, I'm so sorry that I just broke everyone's heart but you have to remember that I am a sucker for good endings and BOY do I have a wild final Arc for you guys.

Thank you for all of your support! I love you guys!

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