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The sky suddenly cracked. Everyone in the port town of Hargeon looked up to the sky and found seven bodies hurtling down toward them. With harsh thuds, some being caught by their friends, they landed in victory. Every single guild—every single person cheered loudly for the battle was finally won. People hugged and cried together in absolute joy.

Laxus was greeted by the Thunder God Tribe with open arms. All three mages screamed in happiness that their dear Laxus had returned home safely to lead them once more.

Erik was attacked with a hug from Sorano. While affection certainly wasn't his piece of cake, he didn't reject it. For once, he smiled with his family of friends, forgetting about any injuries he was suffering from for even just a bit.

Wendy regrouped with Carla and Cheria, the trio hugging it out in a ball of cuteness. Genuine smiles were plastered on their faces.

Gajeel was smothered in love by the two most important people in his life: Lily and Levy. He wrapped his arms around both of them tightly, relishing in the feeling of warmth. The other members of the old Team Shadow Gear made sure to congratulate and thank him as well. Meanwhile, Levy couldn't be more relieved to see the man she cared so deeply for alive and well.

Natsu beamed down at his two best friends whom he had accidentally tackled as he fell from the sky.

"I'm home!" His giddiness made the blonde want to burst out in tears. She had managed to save him from disappearing and he managed to make his way back to her. Happy was the most excited to see him return because the thought of losing him was far too much for his little blue body to handle.

Rogue and Sting embraced their Exceeds, letting their pride come out just this once. They celebrated their victory timidly, but wholesomely with clenched fists and proud smiles. They simply smirked at their comrades.

However, there was still a trace of darkness in their minds that they had yet to get off their chests.

"Hey, Rin's a Dragon Slayer, too," Natsu realized and announced to the entire group. "Why wasn't she there with us?" All of Sabertooth stared at their feet, the light in their eyes vanishing. Sting bit his lip and turned away, trying his best not to break out in tears in front of his idol. "What happened to her?" He was beginning to get irritated at the lack of information he was receiving. He stormed up to the blonde and shoved his shoulder to get a reaction. "Tell me where Rin is!"

"She's dead," exclaimed the blonde out of frustration. The chattering of his teeth came out after, becoming the only sound in the now utterly silent town. "She's dead!" His hands reached up to cover his face out of shame. "She died protecting me... It should've been me!" Yukino placed her hand on his convulsing shoulder to try and calm him down.

Everyone tried to swallow the lumps in their throats. Someone so important was really lost in this battle?!

"But her magic... I felt it when I defeated—"

"I don't know, Natsu!" Sting now faced the pinkette with absolute remorse in his eyes. He couldn't face it.

"It was me." A new voice boomed overhead. Breaking through the crack in the sky before it could close up was a giant, black hand with talons as sharp as daggers. The breaths caught in their throats at the sight.

"Another dragon?!"

"No way..." Spreading its wings out in a stretch, the dragon roared loudly. It swooped up into the blue sky before diving back down. The giant beast leveled out and blew everyone off their feet with the power of its wings. A glowing, purple platform appeared above the shore of the port so that the being could rest.

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