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The brunette Fairy ran as fast as she could manage along the recently destroyed streets of Crocus. The cold cobblestone stuck up in jagged spikes from the battles that occurred just hours before. Rin began to pant from the lack of oxygen in her lungs and her legs wanted nothing more than to collapse. However, she needed to get to the palace as quickly as she could. The lives of her comrades could be on the line and she wouldn't risk losing them again.

The scales on her arms began to vibrate with a new sensation that she had never felt before. Beyond overwhelming magic power flooded the area and sent shivers down her spine. Before she knew it, a giant beast soared overhead and forced wind from his wings to the ground. The swirling of the air threw Rin back before she had a chance to stop it. She dusted herself off and went to stand back up, but froze at the shaking of the ground.

Her eyes were widened with fear she had never experience before as she smelt a scent she absolutely hated: death. She slowly turned her shaking body around to find an enormous creature towering over her quivering figure. She scooted back away from it but froze in panic as it brought a giant foot right beside her, further damaging the streets. She glances to her right and found claws sharper than Kagura's blade. I'm dead...

"My first meal," it growled out. Rin finally got a good look at the creature and her eyes widened even more than before. The dragon had dark purple, almost black scales and purely black eyes which would've seemed unfriendly if she didn't know better. She finally gained the courage to scramble to her feet and stand before it. "Are you gonna fight?" It released a hearty chuckle which only dissipated her fear.

"If it's to save the world, then yes." The scales on her arms advanced up over her shoulders and around her face, much like Sting or Rogue's when they activated Dragon Force.

"You-" Before the dragon could speak further, Rin had launched herself into the air and aimed a punch using Ricochet on the top of his skull. Before she could make contact, his body whipped around in an attempt to smack her from the air with his tail. She fell back to the ground and attacked his appendages which led to him jumping up and spreading out his vast wingspan. He held himself in the air and looked down at her form on the ground. "What is this magic you-?"

Once again, he was cut off by a small figure flying past him and scratching his eye with her claws.

"Leese?!" Said Exceed skillfully avoided the dragon's claws as they swiped down to attack her. "What are you doing here?"

"If you hadn't noticed, everyone is out here fighting! Sting told me to come find you!" Rin mentally cursed the blonde for worrying enough to put her partner in danger.

"Get out of here! It's too dangerous!" Leese's movements began to slow down as her magic power faded from her body. She was doing the best she could to avoid his strikes, but he was too quick and was deliberately trying to keep her from Rin's reach. The Dragon Slayer could use her magic to help, but getting Leese away from him would be impossible. He was too big to control with her magic.

It was like slow motion. Rin watched from the ground, feeling absolutely helpless. The dragon was finally able to predict the pattern of Leese's flight and swung a hand down that she wouldn't be able to dodge. He huffed in success as his palm made contact with the taupe cat, sending her flying to the ground at an immense speed. She crashed into the pavement with a deafening smack that rang throughout the area.

Rin's world stopped around her as she stared at her partner's now lifeless body lying limply in the rubble. She wanted to run to her and pick her up, to hold her best friend, but the dragon simply would not let her. She fell to her knees and trembled before the dragon, no longer caring of his presence. She had no place without her best friend by her side, so she might as well give up.


Rin screamed the name of her fallen partner at the top of her lungs as a sort of passionate battle cry. She sobbed momentarily before becoming enraged. Her body shook violently with anger and her magic had now increased tenfold. She stood from her place on the ground, still crying heavily. Her palms reached outward and faced the opponent. Her scales began to crumble from her body as she used all the magic she possessed in her body to enclose the dragon.

"What are you doing? Where did you learn this magic?!" Rin could only roar out her sobs as she began to tear her body apart from the inside due to the immense strain it was facing now. The dragon was suddenly being pulled in all directions. He struggled, but Rin refused to let in as her final parting gift with this world.

The dragon roared out in pain so loud, it sent Rin deaf with her hearing capabilities. The red liquid dripping from her ears and nose didn't stop her. He took her best friend's life, so she'd take his. The dragon's tissues began to tear apart since it could no longer withstand the tugging. First an arm... Then a wing... Then the tail... The dragon wouldn't be identifiable after she was done with him.

Rin released one last cry as she finally ended the dragon's reign of terror. Her body was now in so much pain and her brain was hardly functioning. Her eyes were blurred with fatigue and her skin had become scarily pale. She continued to shake but was no longer angry. She was simply devastated that she and her best friend were going out like this. Still, she didn't give up.

Rin dragged her barely working limbs to carry her over to where Leese laid on the street. Her entire body was going completely numb and she was scared she wouldn't make it. However, she was finally standing over the Exceed and dropped to her knees. Tears no longer ran down her cheeks and her sobs stopped escaping her throat. She was completely dead inside. She fell limply down beside her partner.

A smile reached Rin's lips as she looked at Leese beside her. With the last bit of strength she could muster, she reached out and pulled Leese towards her into an embrace.

"I love you so much... I'll see you soon." Everything faded, but the idea of the blonde she'd miss stayed glued to her thoughts. "I'll miss you."

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