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Sunlight poured through the double doors that led out to the tall balcony of the Master's room. The couple had decided on hanging curtains so the morning sun wouldn't force them awake too early. However, seeing as they forgot to close them, their idea was fruitless. A groan rumbled out of the brunette's throat as she squinted her eyes at the bright light flooding the room. She rubbed at her face with her calloused, pale hand and proceeded to cover her eyes.

Suddenly finding herself uncomfortable, she attempted to shift her body. However, her movement was halted by a heavy arm draped across her waist. She squirmed under her boyfriend's hold, silently begging him to roll over so she could get comfortable. The sound of a husky groan made a feeling of tension rise in the pit of her stomach. The sound was captivating and made Rin want to hear it again.

Before she could shut her eyes to mentally relive the short moment, she was yanked backward so her back was pressed firmly against her mate's chest. Sting took the liberty of burying his nose into the back of her neck. She shivered at the sensation, writhing slightly when his lips were the next to make contact.

"Good morning," he said in that gruff tone again. The vibration of his voice against her skin sent shivers down Rin's spine. To hear something as, dare she say, sexy so early in the day was nothing more than a blessing. He lifted his arm from her body slightly so she could turn to face him. She did so and his arm relatched tightly on her form. He pulled her entire body closer, not wanting to miss out on a single point of contact. Her bare legs were tangled up with his underneath the covers, hooked around each other for warmth.

Her body, which was dressed in only underwear and a large t-shirt of his, was pressed up close to his bare chest and abdomen. Sting had claimed it was better for transferring heat, but she knew he was going to try any method possible to seduce her.

"Good morning, Sting," she replied timidly. Her voice was just above a whisper so only they could hear.

"You ready to get up?" He himself did not want to leave the comfort of his bed nor his lover at such an early time, but what good would cuddling all day do? A lot of good in his mind. Rin's purple eyes fluttered to a close again and she began fake snoring. The blonde rolled his eyes. Sting propped his head up onto his hand to get a better look at her. 

Her short hair was a little frizzy and lay in utter disarray. Her cheeks were rosy as was her nose and her lips were parted slightly as she breathed. Her long eyelashes brushed against the top of her cheeks and her eyebrows scrunched slightly as she tried not to laugh at her own bad acting. Sting's heart fluttered. She was the definition of perfect in his eyes.

Her next movement made butterflies erupt in his gut and his cheeks flare up with intensity. Rin crawled even closer and tucked her face away in the gap between his head and bicep. Her breath crawled over the skin of his neck and made goosebumps rise. Her arms then snaked around his torso and cuddled him close.

"I just wanna stay here." Sting couldn't miss this chance. Sure, if they got up, he would still hang out with her and love her as always. But here, she was all his and he could gift her all the affection in the world. It was a safe space that was just for the two of them (no doubt the Exceeds would leave to go find food soon enough).

Rin had now been staying here for a good two weeks and had insisted that staying with Sting was comforting. Being the hormonal male Dragon Slayer he is, Sting could only hope with each coming day that Rin would make a move or give him some sign of consent to move on with their relationship. While holding her in his arms seemed like a good chance, he didn't plan on taking it. They were happy now as it was and he was perfectly content with waiting for the right moment to get more intimate. Plus, at this moment, right here and now, he just wanted to hold her and tell her he loved her. He didn't need anything more than that.

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