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"Take those two and get out of here," Rin ordered Natsu.


    "Get out!" The pinkette was stunned by her harsh growl. Natsu hesitantly obeyed the girl's wishes and gripped both exceeds. He sprinted out of Sabertooth's inn, leaving her behind with the guild's top mages. Minerva looked at the mage before her with a devilish smile but held questions in her green eyes. "You know, I came here to stop Natsu from causing too much damage. But now," Rin's violet eyes turned a deep shade, "you've threatened my comrade. I can't simply let that go without any consequences."

    Rin suddenly realized why she didn't stop Natsu earlier. She hated Sabertooth so much; she wanted them to hurt. She wanted to crush them, and this was her chance.

    "So you plan to fight?" Minerva questioned, clearly amused. "Interesting. I can't wait to play with a Wizard Saint." The brunette scowled which only fueled her enjoyment. Her magic power glowed around her figure in a violet aura.

    "Don't underestimate your opponent." Rin followed suit and allowed her magic power to flow around her in a similar, darker shade. The rubble on the ground around the girl floated from the sheer force of her aura and her brunette ponytail flew around wildly. She lifted her eyes to meet her opponent's only to find her disgusted scowl. A frown grew on the brunette's face as the rubble dropped to the messy floor.

    Minerva and Rin jumped at each other; the latter held bare fists while the former's gloved hands were surrounded by her magic. Rin aimed a strike at the saber's face but she simply pushed her arm to the side while attempting to swipe at her stomach. Rin narrowly dodged and aimed another punch at the left side of her head.

    Suddenly, they switched places. Minerva held an evil smirk as her fist slowly made its way toward her opponent's skull. Rin knew she couldn't dodge in time, so she finally discharged her magic which sent Minerva flying to the ground. The tiger immediately got back up and ran at the brunette with ferocity covering her face. A black orb of the Dragon Slayer's magic power appeared in her right palm as she held it out towards the other woman.   

    Minerva stopped where she was as Rin's magic surrounded her. The brunette simply walked towards her and aimed a push kick into her abdomen to knock her off balance. Minerva stumbled over as she released her from her magic's hold and fell to the ground where Rin previously stood. She rolled over backward and regained her footing in a squatted position. They swapped places once more so Rin was looking up at her. Her menacing glare peered into her violet eyes as she grit her teeth hard enough to break them.

    But then, she replaced that hatred with the calm, cocky demeanor from before.

    "You're not bad," she began. "But, you were hardly trying, weren't you?"

    "Of course. I mean to teach a lesson, not kill you. But I will say, anger me again and I will come with murderous intent," the Dragon Slayer threatened. Minerva smirked while looking down on her.

    "Murderous intent, huh? Let's find out if you're a woman of your word." Rin squinted her eyes at the woman, trying to decipher her plan. "So, Miss Dragon Slayer. I must inform you that I have kept a close eye on you for the past few years. Ever since your dear idols went missing, life was pretty rough for you, right?" Rin glared at her. "Or so you want people to believe."

    "What are you trying to say?" she questioned.

    "Little fairy, I know so much about you." Rin smirked at her.

"Oh, is that why your disgusting scent smells familiar?" Minerva scowled but calmed herself quickly.

"Let's start with the depression you had until a couple years ago when the Council approached you. All because you lost your precious family."

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