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"Who the hell are you? And why do you reek of the same stench as Natsu?" Sting sniffed the air once more to secure the scent in his nose.

"That guy has the last name Dragneel... Same as Natsu," Lector informed his best friend.

"To be more precise," Yukino cut in, "Lord Natsu is Zeref's younger brother, and," she paused to catch her breath, "the man standing before you is Zeref's son..."

"Huh?" Sting deadpanned. "Sounds complicated." Sting began to approach the man before him. "No... Even if all that is true, it's still strange that he's got the exact same smell on him as Natsu. If he smelled like Zeref, that'd make sense. But in reality, Natsu and Zeref both have completely different smells." Sting's intellectual side appeared as he tried to describe the way a dragon's nose works to the others. "Y'see, people's smells... They should be different between brothers, between parents and even among their children. And yet, here we are with this guy smelling exactly like Natsu." Larcade hummed.

"That is because, in a sense, Natsu is also Zeref's child." Ray of white blades flew at Sting. It was utterly shocking to Larcade that his magic was being eaten by this man who opposed him.

"I told'ja already, didn't I?" White light began gathering between Sting's palms. "Light and anything else that's white ain't gonna work on me!" His arms flew outward to release his built up magic. "Holy Ray!" A multitude of beams flew at the Spriggan and destroyed the ground around him. It forced the Dragneel to jump back in defense. However, Sting was already there waiting for him. A cocky smirk was plastered on the Eucliffe's face as he aimed a hearty punch into Larcade's gut. "Holy Nova!"

The blonde enemy tumbled to the ground, losing his hold on the brunette girl. Rin fell from the air, straight into Sting's arms. She panted heavily, her vision spotty as she tried to look around her. As it cleared up, she was able to see the jawline of her mate. He glanced down at her with a tiny grin. "Kinda hot and sweaty, aren't we?"

Rin groaned and threw her head back at his dumb comment. "Are you okay to stand on your own?" His tone softened as did his gaze. "I kinda have to kick this guy's ass." Rin savored the feeling of being held by Sting for only a moment before nodding. The blonde gently tilted her body so her numb feet met the ground. His arms never left her body to ensure that she was stable. 

It took a moment, but once she was, she stepped away to recompose herself. Just the sensation of his fingertips against her waist made her shiver. Rin's purple eyes scanned down at her body and clothing. She was absolutely drenched in sweat and wanted nothing more than to take a bath.

"A rather troublesome opponent indeed," Larcade commented. "However..." The man swiped his fingers in the air again. "Soul of the Forbidden Meal!" All of the nutrients that fueled the Dragon Slayer's body was suddenly drained, leaving him almost paralyzed.


"You cannot possibly endure this sensation for hunger." His stomach rumbled and he couldn't help but groan. "Which would be more agonizing? Killing Rin? Or her mate?" He smirked down at her. "Either works for me."

"I can barely move a muscle..." Larcade grabbed the cross off his back and threw it like a frisbee at the Sabertooth mage. The metal object threw Sting back and forced him to the ground.


"Sting," his Exceed companion called out to him. The blonde took notice of him but got sidetracked.

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