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It was the year X792. A year since Fairy Tail defeated the demons' guild Tartaros. A year since Igneel fell to his death by Acnologia. A year since Fairy Tail disbanded. The Grand Magic Games had just come to a close with Natsu making a shocking appearance, instantly destroying the winning guild with his bare hands. He met eyes with his long lost best friend, Lucy Heartfilia and then set off with her to gather Fairy Tail together again.

After winning Wendy back over from Lamia Scale, Natsu made it his next mission to hunt down Gray, his favorite rival and comrade. However, things got stuck when they found Juvia all alone in the downpour city of Rainfall Village.

"Juvia once... lived together... with Gray-sama..." She explained how the ice mage disappeared after black marks began taking over his body. Once it was decided that Wendy and Charle would stay with Juvia to bring her out of her fever, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy set out to Sabertooth where they sought information on their missing friend and an old member of Fairy Tail itself.

"Natsu-sama, Lucy-sama, Happy-sama!"

"Yukino! It's been such a long time," Lucy greeted. "How have you been?"

"I'm good! Thanks!"

"Heh, all the jobs from Fairy Tail got sent over..."

"Thanks to you guys, business has been well..."

"Uh, that's not what I meant," Yukino timidly corrected her comrades, Orga and Rufus.

"I know," the blonde woman reassured. "Plus, Fairy Tail's coming back anyway!"

"Really? I'm really looking forward to it." The bluenette's eyes sparkled as she began crying with joy.

"You don't have to cry over it..."

"Huh, I thought this voice sounded familiar," came a new person. "It's Natsu-san and Lucy-san!" While Natsu seemingly didn't see a difference in this man, Lucy could tell that the blonde had definitely gained some weight over the year.

"Yo, Sting," Natsu greeted with a grin.

"You haven't changed a bit, Natsu-san!"

"Heh, you too!" Lucy was utterly dumbfounded by Natsu's oblivious attitude.

"No way, he changed alright."

"So, Sting," Natsu smirked. "Where's the mate?"

"Oh yeah!" Lucy suddenly remembered. "Where's Rin?" Sting's smile fell and his arms dropped to his sides.

"I guess you guys never heard..." Natsu and Lucy gazed at him questioningly. "A couple months ago, Rin took a job from the Council. She visited one time and we—" Sting had to stop to gather himself together. Those standing around them could feel the tension rise at the new topic. His eyes changed from emotion to emotion; sad, angry, empty... "Rin and I aren't together anymore. In fact, I haven't seen or heard from her since. I have no idea where she's at now." For now, he settled with angry. Angry at both himself for letting her go and her for leaving in the first place.

Lucy's shoulders slumped, her heart breaking for the duo. Her hands traveled to her face and covered her mouth.

"No way..."

"Well, wherever she is, I'm sure she's gone back to that soulless facade. But, whatever makes her happy..."

"I'm gonna find her," Natsu cut in suddenly. "After we find Gray, we're gonna find Rin and bring her back." He stepped away oddly serious. His fists were clenched and his face was stoic. "I promise."

The three Fairy Tail members sat in a small circle to take a breather from their rapid travels.

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