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Explosions were immediately detonated with every step Empusa took towards the beaten girl. Rin's legs shook like they were being electrocuted. They were sore and tired and wanted nothing more than to give out and rest. As much as she wished she could, she knew that dropping to her knees would be the end of the line. And not just for her, but for the two males who watched powerlessly.

They had worked so hard to defeat their own opponent. They were aching and on the verge of passing out. However, they refused to let their eyes shut and miss a single detail at this moment. Right now, they were at a disadvantage and they didn't know if Rin could possibly win in her current state. But Sting gripped onto his faith in her and refused to let go, just as his eyes refused to leave her body.

He saw her disappear once— twice, and he didn't want to see it again. Especially not if it was permanent this time.

Rin reluctantly had to steal her magic back away from protecting the boys so she could at least muster the strength to stand. Of course, they noticed, but they didn't mind. She needed to win no matter the cost.

Empusa took daring steps forward with loud booms following the beat of her walk. Rin couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight. It was almost like a movie scene with cliche explosions going off as someone walked away from the scene. It disgusted her how happy the demon seemed with her show.

With another shit-eating grin, Empusa ran at the Dragon Slayer, hopping from side to side to maximize the spots she could blow up later. Rin jumped backward in an attempt to avoid her as much as possible, but that ended up fruitless when Empusa reached out and tapped her arm with her fingertips. Just moments later, an explosion went off and sent a layer of Rin's skin sizzling away with the heat. She winced as she could feel the raw portion of her arm practically bubbling.

Sting wanted to call out, but it dawned on him that it wouldn't change anything. This wasn't like a typical movie where the hero gains sudden strength when a person they care about calls out to them.

Empusa continued on; explosion after explosion. Rin's upper body was singed and bleeding. To say her blood was boiling was an understatement since it was almost literally on fire.

While the brunette was in a trance of pain, the demon followed with another attack. This time she swung her fist and watched it connect with the girl's cheekbone. An explosion went off to add to the force of the blow. Empusa laughed again and smiled gleefully at the Dragon Slayer's beaten body beneath her. She licked her lips and almost drooled at the sight of her in so much pain. It brought her joy to know that she was the cause of someone's demise.

Her sharp teeth fit perfectly together much like Jackal's, but the way her lips curved made it all the more sadistic appearing. Just a few moments later, the smile and laughter vanished. She returned to her normal, deadpan self. She then ran around Rin in a circle, overlapping multiple times to create seals that she could use to trap her opponent in an explosion.

When that was said and done, she waited for Rin to get up.

What's the point of winning if you don't get to have any fun?

"Rin!" Sting couldn't help but yell. He wanted to add reassurance to his lover; to let her know he was supporting her. He wanted to know that she was okay. He wanted to believe that this was all part of an act. He wanted to reassure himself.

As cliche as it was, the sound of his voice ringing through her ears made her feel better. It was like her flesh stopped burning, like her scars stopped stinging, like her chest stopped heaving, like her heart stopped hurting. She felt at peace again. Maybe some things that happen in movies have real meaning. Maybe hearing someone call out to you does give you strength. Although it may not be physical, it definitely made Rin believe she could finish this fight.

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