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Things were not looking good for the mages. The demons of Tartaros were putting up an extremely difficult fight for both Fairy Tail and the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth who had shown up to find both Rin and Minerva. The two worked together to fight Jiemma who appeared only to serve as their distraction while Mard Geer fought with Natsu and Gray.

Sting and Rogue had already both suffered a couple injuries and their bodies were littered in scratches and debris. Jiemma shot a bright beam of purple Magic at the blonde and easily knocked him off his feet. Rogue tried to slip behind him in the shadows but was beaten mercilessly into the ground.

"You two whelps think you've taken over Sabertooth at this level?" Rogue stood up breathing heavily, but his anger surfaced at the belittling of his treasured guild.

"We took Sabertooth back! Back to what a guild is supposed to be..."

"Don't make me laugh!" Jiemma punched the pale boy in the temple, sending him flying back. "Sabertooth is meant to be the strongest! But your weakness has ruined it!" By now, Sting had stood up with darkness covering his face. The new master now understood that not only did he need to save his mate from this hell, but he needed to remove Jiemma and Minerva from the darkness that took hold of them.

"I admit it, we were weak. But that weakness isn't the kind of weakness you're talking about."


"The weakness of thinking of fellow members as less than comrades." He reminisced in all of his bad memories of the old Sabertooth. "We want nothing more to do with a guild like that."

"To become a strong guild in its truest sense," Rogue continued, "we've started again from zero!"

"That's why it's high time..." The two Dragon Slayers wielded their magic on their fists, both aiming at Jiemma from opposite sides.

"You begone," yelled Rogue. Jiemma laughed as their Magic was vanquished simply by coming in contact with his arms.

"A truly strong guild, you say? I've learned that doesn't exist! The strongest is the individual! And that is my individual will!"

"You're wrong," Sting replied calmly. "It does exist. A strong guild is right around the corner. We're lucky to have met such strong, kind, honest guild!"

"Fools!" Jiemma waved his hands around to force them back, a white light slicing at their shoulders. "Only one is the strongest! Relying on others is weak! Weak! Weak! Weak! That is the ultimate weakling!"

"Even so, we're living for somebody else's sake!" Sting listened to his own words and suddenly, a familiar brunette popped into his mind... Specifically, the smile she showed him the night she woke up from her coma. "We love someone in order to live! Just like Fairy Tail, we're strong."

"Nonsense!" Jiemma's eyes began to glow red with fury.

"We'll sew up your twisted wound..."

"... With a white and black bond," the blonde finished his partner's words.

"Silk of the White Shadow Dragon!" The two panted heavily as Jiemma's body went limp from the attack and dropped to the ground. Out of pure exhaustion, the two males dropped as well, their bodies aching from overexertion.

"I told Kyoka he was too weak to be one of us, but she didn't listen." Sting's eyes widened at the sound of an evil voice he had heard once before. From the shadows appeared a devious woman with a look of boredom on her face. Empusa walked close to Jiemma's body to inspect it and simply kicked him aside like a pebble in the road.

The Dragon Slayer's were appalled at her physical strength. She didn't look to be any stronger than Rin, but she tossed the huge man like a feather!

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