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Natsu glanced around the void. There were crystals all along the ground he stood on and there was only one other being before him. It was a large man with a strong build and dark skin. His face was marked with blue patterns and his dark blue hair cascaded below his waist in disarray much like Gajeel's. His pants were shredded at the knees and he wore a dark cloak with the same edge.

"What is this place...?"

"These are the Ravines of Time," the man responded. Natsu took one whiff and knew what he was up against. "My world."

"You... This sensation..." The pinkette's eyes widened at the realization. "You're Acnologia!"

"You will be the last," he suddenly threatened. Natsu took another quick look around. He glanced at the tall crystal pillars and was shocked to see his fellow Dragon Slayers trapped inside them. What was even more shocking was a dragon of all black also trapped in the distance.

"They're all Dragon Slayers?!"

"By devouring the Ravines of Time, I have obtained time-space magic," the ancient dragon explained. "And as such, I shall surpass time and space itself, destroy the world..." He gave a wicked grin. "And within this world of spacetime, I shall exterminate you all; the last dragons." Natsu grimaced at him as his fury which had barely dissipated moments ago returned.

"Quit runnin' your mouth!"

"You, too shall become a human pillar and rest here for all eternity." Crystals began building up at Natsu's feet, slowly climbing up his legs.

"Harmony and the extermination of dragons... how utterly amusing!"

"Damn it," Natsu yelled. "My right hand won't move!" He struggled immensely to pulled his shredded arm out of the encasing that slowly trapped him. "I can't use my flames! Why?! God damn it!"

"You were locked in battle with the infamous Black Wizard, after all," Acnologia reminded. "You should count your blessings for losing only an arm and nothing else." Natsu yelled out in anger, pain, frustration, and any other emotion he could possibly muster as it powered his strength. In a huge burst, his right arm ignited and set off an explosion of flames, demolishing the crystals that dared touch him.

Acnologia furrowed his brows in shock. He shouldn't have been able to use magic... However, Natsu was just as shocked.

"My hand... It moved!"

"I'll protect you with my sky magic," said a young female. Now out of the crystal's hold, a young Marvell approached the fight.

"Wendy! How did you break out of the crystal?"

"I thought I heard Carla's voice," she said timidly.

"As for me, I could hear Levy and Lily's."

"So you guys hear it too, eh?"

"The voices of the people who are waiting for us to come home..."

"They gave us strength."

"Now then," said a familiar, hot-headed blonde. "Let's get this party started, Natsu." Said boy grinned at the group. "It's time to slay this dragon!"


"It seems I'll have to teach you exactly why I'm called the Dragon King." Acnologia grinned dangerously.

All seven Dragon Slayers stood before the most dangerous man alive. Laxus, Erik, Sting, Rogue, Wendy, Gajeel, and Natsu. They stood tall and proud, ready to finish their war. Forgetting everything from before, they lived here and now, ready to fulfill their four hundred year long duty of defeating Acnologia.

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