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Rin stood in Fairy Tail's balcony as they awaited the eight final teams to be announced. Fairy Tail was at least one of them, considering the guild was invited inside the stadium. The Dragon Slayer couldn't get last night's events out of her head: the Preliminary challenge, Wendy's attacker, the encounter with Sting and Rogue. She felt like something greater than them was at play, yet she couldn't do anything about it. They'd have to sit it out and wait.

    The crowds roared, hurting Rin's ears. However, the noise didn't stop images of last night from replaying in her mind.

She had picked the unconscious bluenette up while Leese grabbed Carla and they ran off in search of help. They screamed and yelled, but the people of Crocus brushed them off since they were Fairy Tail. After hours of searching, the two were found by Lisanna and Happy who had come out to look for Wendy. The white-haired mage had quickly explained that Elfman took her place on Team Natsu so they wouldn't be disqualified and how they had to be one of the first eight teams to make it through the Sky Labyrinth to stay safe from disqualification.

Lisanna also said that it was just about over and that teams were already returning to their guilds. Rin wouldn't have minded this part except for the fact that they were checking over Wendy right in front of Sabertooth's hotel. As soon as the scents of their team came into her nose, she had grabbed the group and ran off in search of Makarov who could get Porlyusica to help.

Now, Rin was stuck watching the eight teams that advanced flaunt themselves in front of the enormous crowds. She could smell something in the arena that she had caught on Wendy's clothes the night before and found it coming from the third place guild, Raven Tail.

An old Dark Guild.

Rin turned to the side and found that Makarov was furious with their appearance, but they'd just have to put up with it.

If the Council accepted their entrance in the Games, we have to as well.

Rin missed the announcement for both Fairy Tail A and Fairy Tail B, and the fact that Mavis decided to join the guild on its balcony, but of course, she started paying attention when Sabertooth came into view.

"Alright, we've got one more team left to introduce! That's right, you know who it is! They're the strongest," Rin scowled, "invincible," grit her teeth, "indisputable champions!" She was clenching her fists so hard, her nails began to cut into her palm. "Sabertooth!"

Sting came out in front with his arms up with pride. He had a shit-eating grin on his face as he basked in the glory of his fans. Rogue seemed like he could care less. Orga, who Rin has noticed from years before, was enjoying the attention much like Sting. Rufus kept his head down with a cocky smirk plastered on his stupid, pale face. And finally, the blue-haired girl whom Rin had never seen before. She was a new contestant for Sabertooth but compared to her teammates, she was weak. The Dragon Slayer could smell the difference between their powers from hers.

Sting took it upon himself to look directly at Rin while he made his entrance. The thing was, he knew they were mates. He had known since the first time Fairy Tail showed their faces at the Grand Magic Games, but since she had never given him the chance to actually meet her, he believed they were all weak.

I guess a strong man from Sabertooth cannot love anyone weak, even though they may be their official mate. In all fairness, it gives me a reason to hate him more than the other tigers. I have a real reason to crush them.

He had walked over to Mira and began talking to Team B without breaking eye contact with the brunette in the stands. He began speaking, knowing damn well she could hear him.

"Rin isn't participating?"

"She's our reserve member," Mira said with her classic, angelic smile.

"S-Rank Rin isn't strong enough to be a main member?" He scoffed and leered at her with a cocky grin. Mira giggled fakely.

"Listen close," she began politely. Her voice became low and threatening as she leaned in close to the blonde. "Rin is stronger than all of us; she could probably compete with our strongest mage. But, what better reason to save her for later?" The way she defended Rin made a smile grow on her face. The tone she used reminded Rin of how she would defend her siblings. Sting frowned and backed off.

The brunette suddenly heard a distant voice calling her name. Someone was calling for Rin to meet them, but she couldn't leave just yet. She watched as Sting began taunting Natsu and realized that the important stuff of the day had already commenced.

She stalked off into the corridors of the arena. The guild knows she does work for the Magic Council and that when they called, she would go to them.

I knew they'd make an appearance at the Games, but I didn't think it would be this soon.

"What do you need?"

Rin faced an amphibian-like employee of the Council who looked over the ledge, into the arena where the teams stood.

"Who's that man on your second team?" A lengthy finger was stretched out and pointed in the direction of Jellal.

"Mystogan. I assure you he's not dangerous. I can update the Council Members if anything happens, but for now, there's nothing to worry about. Go home," Rin said sternly. The employee sneered at the girl before leaving the area towards what she assumed was the exit. Rin immediately jumped into the arena which startled everyone, including her guild members. She positioned herself between Jellal and Laxus who stood next to each other.

She placed her hands on their shoulders and spoke lowly so only they could hear her.

"The Council is already onto you, Jellal. Make wise decisions." Rin looked up at Laxus. "Make sure he lays low." He gave her an indirect nod and she jumped away, back into the balcony with her guildmates. Rin got questions thrown at her from the members but ignored them as she focused on the questioning stare of Sting.

"You may say you hate him, but you focus on him a lot," Leese said, interrupting the girl's thoughts.

"What makes you say that?"

"You stare at him a lot." Her fair face flushed. "You know he's attractive, but you just don't want to admit it." At that very moment, Sting smirked at her and she made the realization that his hearing was strong enough to make out her partner's words. Rin smacked Leese on the head and slid down the wall to sit on the floor.

"He heard you!" The taupe cat just laughed.

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