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Rin stood tall and held her composure when staring down at her mirror image. Empusa's body was vibrating with anger across the battlefield. A glowing, violet halo of Rin's magic circled her bare feet and made the rubble around her float. Empusa followed suit and did the exact same. She believed that using the same attack against Rin's would nullify it.

The broken ground shook from the pressure of the power being held on it. Rogue— who was still standing— toppled backward and fell on his rear to join Sting. Both males watched with wide eyes and gaping jaws as Rin's magic power swallowed them. They flinched at the sudden contact that the purple mist made with their skin, but they relaxed at the warm and inviting feeling it gave off.

The brunette glanced over at the two and caught their eyes. She gave them a small, closed-eye smile before quickly returning to her indifferent state as she looked at her counterpart. Sting shivered, noticing immediately that the reassuring smile was just an exhibit of her menacing emotions. She was just waiting to be tested. One foul move against her comrades and she'd take the liberty of literally ripping Empusa limb from limb.

The blonde male knew well that her angry intent wasn't directed at them, but he still couldn't help but be scared. He suddenly had a flashback of when Rin fought Minerva in the Crocus Gardens Hotel during the Grand Magic Games. Rin had shown her true anger that night, but this was on a whole other level. He shivered again.

Rin had taken it upon herself to divide a ration of her magic power to protect the two Twin Dragon Slayers. That meant that this opponent was stronger than they thought and she was taking precautions— no.

The brunette female had stated that Empusa could barely take her on when she had no magic, so surely the fight wouldn't be a struggle. He shivered once again, this time being caught by his partner. Rogue looked at him and raised an inquisitive brow. However, Sting didn't give him the time of day or even return his glance.

Is Rin planning on toying with that demon?

He began to get worried. If Rin began getting carried away, what if she lost her advantage. He also feared that maybe Empusa had a power-up since she had taken Rin's form. She now had magic power that matched the original's strength and she had the same physique.

Maybe this is worse than I thought...

Rin flexed her hands, unfamiliar with the feeling of having claws again. It had been so long, she internally debated how rusty she was. She felt hesitant because she didn't know what she was getting herself into here. For all she knew, Empusa's strength matched her own or was above her's since the demon never went through physically damaging torture.

Rin took a good, hard look at her opponent. She was an exact replica wearing the exact attire as her. Although her clothing was rugged, her skin was clear of any damage or past scars.

I knew it... She used my ideal body with no injuries.

The ground shook so violently that other Fairy Tail guild members could feel it during their battles. Most were relieved when they sensed her magic power, but many were concerned at her need to use so much of it.

Is her opponent really that strong?

Although Erza was senseless and dealing with Kyoka, she could tell from the shift of the air pressure that her missing family was okay. Even if she couldn't see, hear, smell, taste or feel Rin herself, a pang in her heart told her to stop worrying about the brunette.

Rin felt her muscles tense as her magic power ran its course through her veins. With a final grip of her fists, the fight began.

Both using Rin's magic as a catapult, the demon and the Dragon Slayer jumped at each other with incredible pace. They met in the middle, their left forearms making contact and stopping each other in midair. They both used their other hand to try and punch the other in the jaw, but they stopped each other's fists with Telekinetic Magic. Rin grit her teeth so hard they almost cracked. She tried to push her fist further and try to break the magic wall that was blocking it.

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