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The people of Malba Town scurried through the streets as per their usual routine. Vendors coaxed passersby to purchase their meaningless goods or produce. Some families walked around in peace. But that was quickly ruined as a speedy calamity ran through the town. A woman in a cloak sprinted through the streets with three hot-headed Dragon Slayers on her tail. She tried to use the people and other obstacles to her advantage, swinging her body between a cart and its personal tent and running up walls to get around groups of people

However, none of that was successful since a certain pyromaniac had a powerful nose and stamina for days. So, she finally gave up on escaping and reverted to battle. With a flag pole up ahead, Natsu immediately thought she would use it to swing over the crowds of people who were oblivious to the obvious chase. However, he was proven wrong when her body swung all the way around and a foot connected with his jaw.

With a smooth landing, she punched Sting square in the jaw, sending him flying back and elbowed Rogue to the side. Natsu was quick to recover, this time sending his own attack her way. With an elbow shot at her head, she narrowly slipped past it and connected her fist with his ribcage. Meanwhile, the other two dragons had regained their stability and charged at her once more. They both worked seamlessly together to throw fists at her, but she swiftly dodged each and every one of them without making any unnecessary movements. She then picked up Natsu by his collar and threw him like a bowling ball at the other two males, sending them toppling over like pins in the alley. They ended up destroying a wooden cart, causing startled screams from the civilians to ring through the city.

Natsu gave up on trying to be nice and simply wanted to win the fight for his pride's sake.

"Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!" Sending a projection of flames at the cloaked figure, he stopped to wonder if this really was the girl they were after. He wouldn't believe it until he could see her. However, his questions were answered when a bright purple wall of magic rose from the ground as a shield to protect the caster. After the flames had dispersed, she quickly realized the mistake she had made and released her shield.

"So it is you," Sting said. His breath caught in his throat as he struggled to find the courage to stand up. Before he could utter another word, she was sprinting again, this time much faster and not caring about her magic use. She threw boxes and rocks at them, hoping to slow the trio down, but they managed to dodge all of her attacks.

Wanting to get away as quickly as possible at this point, she manifested a ginormous magic wall that made a loud, echo-y thud sound when two bodies rammed into it. However, a certain pinkette managed to slip through before it was created and continued running after her. She realized that he was family, and him knowing would be essential.

Rin made a b-line for an alleyway, successfully leading him to where they could be alone. She stopped when she hit a wall, Natsu skidding to a stop close behind her.

"I finally caught you," he panted out. Veins were popping out on his forehead, immediately telling Rin that she'd need to calm him down first. She used her magic to trap the two of them in a box, quickly throwing off her hood to look at him. "What the hell is this?" He began thrashing around in the small space, hitting the walls in an attempt to break out.

"Calm down!" He simply glared at her while using his fire on the unbreakable glass. "Calm down so we can talk!"

"Now you want to talk? Go talk to your mate!" Her pupils narrowed into slits and her eyes squinted at him angrily. She shoved him against the wall with tremendous power, finally shutting him up.

"I said 'calm down'." Her tone was dangerous; sharp, like the edge of a dagger. When he finally stopped squirming, she released him and cascaded back to her own side of the box. "Before you ask, I put us in here so no one could hear us talk."

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