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"What the hell did you just say to me?" The growl was vividly evident in Rin's voice. Yukino didn't budge. However, the look on Rin's face made her nervous.

"You heard what I said," she retorted confidently. Rin stormed her way over to the bluenette and roughly grabbed her tattered shirt.

"I don't see you risking your relationship or life to save the continent."

"Unlike you, I maintained my relationship throughout the war," Yukino spat. Rin cocked an eyebrow, playing right into the girl's hands. "Sting's been quite lonely since you left." She smirked at the brunette evilly.

Rin's gripped loosened in disbelief.

"W-What are you talking about?"

"After you disappeared, I was there to comfort Sting. You see, you hurt him really badly, yet you weren't there to fix it. So, I stepped in." Rin stepped away from the girl, her hands beginning to shake violently. "Just because you were mates doesn't make you irreplaceable."

"Yukino!" Lector yelled at her. He was Sting's best friend, he knew nothing had happened between them. Rin dropped to her knees, her hands covering her tear-filled eyes. Her body quivered like her lip which was being pierced by her enlarged canine tooth "Rin—!"

"No way..." Her magic swarmed around her like thick, black smoke. She groaned in pain as large, black wings pushed their way out of her back, her shirt tearing in the process. Blood trickled down her skin. The smoke-like substance was whipped away by the first flap of her outstretched wings.

The group watched in awe at her newfound limbs. Rin glared at Yukino through her fingers. Without warning, she soared into the sky and left them behind. She had a mission to complete and she would do so no matter how broken-hearted she was.

Tears flew behind her as she sped through the sky. The guild of Fairy Tail was suddenly in view and she could see many of the Spriggan Twelve standing together. She had never felt so much magic power in one place. Rin quickly dropped from the sky and landed by one of her only companions with the Twelve: Ajeel.

Eyebrows were raised at the sight of her wings which quickly crumbled into ash. However, Ajeel's eyes were caught by her new appearance.

"New outfit?"

"Other one got ruined," she replied bluntly.

"New attitude, too, I see."

"I'm bored by this war." He hummed suspiciously in reply. Rin's focus ran elsewhere to find Mavis being controlled to follow Zeref around. She caught her green eyes which had become dulled with the brainwashing technique by Invel. However, she could see that Mavis' thoughts were still her own. A warm feeling spread across Rin's stomach. Using her peripheral vision, she could see the mark of family which had vanished months ago at her master's hand.


"The disappearance of your mark was simply an illusion by Makarov. I've undone it for you." The angelic voice of the First was the only thing she could hear. It warmed her heart. Thankfully, no one noticed the appearance of her old guild mark.

Ajeel's hand suddenly gripped her chin gently as he inspected her face.

"Have you been crying?" Rin's eyes locked with his but she didn't budge. "Did you run into pretty boy?"

"No," she replied a bit too quickly, a little shaken up by her short conversation with Mavis. "It's just the bad nostalgia from being here." Ajeel didn't seem to take the bait of her cover-up.

"Are you sure about that? You know, I've become very good at picking apart your emotions over the months, Rin." She sighed, mumbling so their conversation would stay between them.

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