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"Oi, Rin!" The girl's violet eyes trailed down to her feet where her partner walked beside her. She hummed in response, returning her gaze back to the lit up city that glowed in the night. "Why aren't we in the bar, drinking with the rest of Fairy Tail?" Rin gripped her arms behind her back.

"I just don't wanna be bugged about the whole 'Ten Wizard Saint' thing, you know?" She sadly nodded. Rin pouted at the exceed. "If you wanna go hang out with Carla, Happy and Lily, go ahead. You don't have to watch over me all the time." Leese summoned her Aera and jumped into the girl's face. Leese's fur tickled her skin as she hugged Rin's skull. "Leese!" she choked out from being suffocated by the exceed's fur.

"I love you, Rin! Stay safe!" She flew away back in the direction of Bar Sun where the rest of Fairy Tail wasted themselves away. Rin huffed at her retreating figure.

"So weird..." She turned back and continued walking through the lightly busy streets. When they had first come out this evening, there were huge crowds of people bustling through the city and enjoying the festival. Now, there were a few people scattered here and there. Most people that the Fairy Tail mage ran into were from other guilds. For example, she chased away the mages from Twilight Ogre when they attempted to approach her.

Other than them, she ran into a couple of ladies from Mermaid Heel that were participating in the Games. She gave a curt smile and nod which they returned before going their separate ways. Rin saw Quatro Cerberus running around, looking for one of their men who had run off in search of a bar. Finally, the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth were constantly on her tail. She assumed they could smell her and Sting was forcing Rogue to chase after her. Rin could tell they were approaching closer and closer when Leese had stopped her, but she decided not to care.

Rin's eyes remained glued to her feet as she walked along the cobblestone paths. She was enjoying the peaceful night and no one was going to stop her.

"Rin." The girl bumped into a person and her eyes shot up to meet those of Doranbalt; they widened in shock.

"What are you doing here?" Rin could hear the annoying voice of Sting gaining on them and soon, he came within her view.

"Rin- is that a guy from the Council?" She glared up at the Council Member and then at the Twin Dragons. Rin scoffed and walked around Doranbolt.

"Can you save it for tomorrow? I'm not in the mood tonight." He caught her arm.

"We need to talk about that man on your team."

"And I said 'not tonight'. Got it?" Rin ripped her arm from his hold and cocked an eyebrow; he stared at her sternly.

"Fine. Expect either me or Lahar tomorrow." With that said, he disappeared. Rin released a heavy sigh and flinched at the sudden contact of Sting's hand on her shoulder. She spun around to face him and shook his hand off.

"Did you need something?" He scowled at the brunette's tone.

"Better watch your tongue, miss," he leaned in close to her face and snaked a hand to rest on her lower back, "or, I'll have to do something about it." Rin grimaced at the pretentious blonde and used her magic to force him away.

"Have you ever heard of personal space?" She decided to play this game with him. "Who am I kidding? You're not smart enough to comprehend a situation." She walked up to him and stood on her toes to get up in his face. "Isn't that why Rogue's always with you?" Rin spoke like she would to a toddler. His frown turned into an implausible smile. She returned one with sweetness as fake as Sweet 'n Low.

"Two can play this game."

"I think you mean three, remember? You need your precious partner to even stand a chance." Sting's cockiness returned and he tossed the girl over his shoulder in one swift motion. "Eucliffe-!"

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