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Sting stood tall and proud, tears still evidently falling out of his eyes. This man before him took away the one person he loved most. And he was never gonna get her back. It was now his personal mission to take revenge for his dead lover. He would avenge Rin, even if it is the last thing he ever does.

"You stole away the one thing in this world that I actually cared about... And she's gone for good..." Sting's cold eyes bored into his enemy's with a burning hatred. "You're gonna pay for it with your life," he threatened.

"With this very hand, I will purify Natsu's soul once and for all. Someone as weak and insignificant as you hardly warrants my time or energies," Larcade mocked. Sting grit his teeth and summoned both powers in his hands. He charged at the Spriggan, ready to give him absolute hell.

"Then, have a taste of mine and Rogue's combined power of the spirit of Sabertooth!" Sting's right fist connected to the male's cheek, sending him flying backward. Larcade regained his footing and prepared to cast his spell. However, the flick of Sting's right wrist which was coated in his light magic made all of the enemy's tags burn away.

"Your white magic is offset by Sting's own power, and," Rogue began.

"Rogue's shadows will annihilate you," the other finished. Sting's left fist, coated in the shadows, knocked the man for a loop. "And if I combine our two powers together...!" A huge explosion of black and white hurtled toward Larcade, destroying everything in its path. Larcade was thrown back again but maintained his stance.

"Combine as many people's powers as you'd like; it matters not," Larcade responded cockily. "You cannot possibly resist the final desire." Remaining a relaxed physique, the man pointed his right hand toward the sky and the other toward the ground. His magic flew around him in white ribbons sending paper tags flying everywhere. "The eternal sleep of death: R.I.P.!"

A sudden wash of fatigue came upon the two Dragons Slayers who happened to be the only two awake. Their bodies were drained of all energy they possessed and their eyelids drooped with the weight of bricks. Sting slumped. He just wanted to drop dead. "The moment you close your eyes will be your very last."

"Damn it," Sting yelled. He raised his shaking fist and repeatedly punched the wound on his side to snap himself out of the trance. "Wake up," he screamed. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

"Humans cannot possibly defy their desires. Not even Acnologia can." A devious grin settled onto the man's face. "And consequently, I am the ultimate mage who can seize victory against Acnologia himself."

Sting stumbled around slightly as he fought to keep his body up. His knees were weak and shaking. He just wanted to give up. However, a purple glow began to encase both him and Rogue. Confused, they looked around for the source. The Shadow Dragon Slayer came up empty handed, but Sting locked eyes with a ghostly figure beyond his opponent.

A wavy-haired brunette stood close behind Larcade with a delicate smile on her lips. He quickly glanced away to where the girl's body lay lifeless and back to the spirit. Her once vibrant, purple eyes were now a dull lilac shade. However, she embodied an angel granting them life beyond the grave.

Rin smiled sweetly at her lover, ready to offer him her last hoorah.

"Live," echoed in Sting's ears. The aura of magic spiraled around the two, refilling them with both energy and magic. Sting was still tired, but he could feel himself waking up slightly. After a couple of seconds, the magic vanished and as did Rin's spirit without a trace, almost as if it was never there. Sting released a shaky breath, still staring at the place she stood.

Her magic was a great help to them. However, at Larcade's strength, Sting would need one more push to beat his spell.

"Sting," Rogue got his attention. "Enter the shadow..." The blonde was shocked at the suggestion. "If you're within the shadows, all of your senses will be sharpened. It should dispel your drowsiness, if only for a moment."

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