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Rin stood tall before Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus, finally regaining the courage she lost while she was away. After being around the strong for so long, she had belittled herself to the brink of collapse. All she needed was the push from those back home to bring her back to life.

A smirk made its way across her lips. Not one of evil or to hide her true emotions, but one that showed how much she longed to see the future.

The future of Fairy Tail and Ishgar.

"So, now what?" Rin looked down at Leese in her arms and stroked the fur on top of her head.

"We stand by," she said smoothly. She had regained her composed demeanor. It felt as if it had been gone for so long. "I'm positive Eileen will make a move soon and the Spriggan will be forced to regather. In that time, I'll take my chance to bring them down."

A shiver ran down Sting's spine. He had forgotten how much Rin loved fighting. It wasn't until their guilds battled it out in the Grand Magic Games a year ago that she changed. Since then, she had wanted peace and love without war. But the true Rin was coming back out. She was a calamity waiting to happen. "What do you say, Leese?" The Exceed looked at her in confusion.

A proud smile made its way onto Leese's face. She hummed in agreement.

"Let's go!" Rin dropped Leese to the ground and gave a single nod to the six Fairy Tail members who continued to fight the enemy before turning on her heel and facing the crowd. They watched her confidently stride toward them, her tongue grazing over her lips in the process. Waving her arms outward, the group split in half like the Red Sea. She strode through them, only being caught by Sting who gripped her forearm.

"Are you insane?!" Rin quirked a brow at the raging blonde. "Do you really think you can take them on by yourself?" She ripped her arm out of his grip, jolting her body forward. "You're gonna get killed!"

"Just about twenty minutes ago, you couldn't have cared less."

"Let me go with you," he demanded. Rin glared at him and shook her head. The cold look in her eyes was the same as when they had first met. She'd hated his guts for being over-confident. But now, she just didn't want to deal with the sadness he brought her anymore.

"I have Leese. She's all I need."

She turned once again and left all of them behind her, this time, for good. In her mind, they wouldn't be seeing her again until she defeated her enemies. If she defeated them.

The two headed north, finding the atmosphere uncomfortable. It was always cold and snowy toward the Sacred Mountain, but Eileen had washed it of all its angelic, white glory.

"Was Alakitasia really that bad?" Rin looked down at her waddling partner beside her. After a moment, she looked back ahead of them but nodded silently.

"The Empire was always suspicious of me. There was only one person who didn't really care, though. He saw me for my strength, not my past. But it was so tiresome having to worry every day about being found out. All those journals I wrote that you picked up... I was always worried that they'd catch us at some point. Even worse, I was scared they'd kill you on the spot.

"I'm just glad to be back home. And I really want to be able to enjoy it."

"What's gonna happen with you and Sting?" The brunette sighed, not really wanting to think about it.

"To be honest, Leese... I have no idea. After what happened all those months ago and today... I think it's safe to say we probably won't go back to how we were. Maybe it's for the best."

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