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Rin watched as the original Team Natsu walked out of the guild barn; half excited, the other half nervous. They had just been chosen to participate in the Games and the girl was appalled.

I was so certain that I would be chosen, but that opportunity was pulled out from under me.

She watched their fleeting figures as they headed off to pack for the festival.

I was so excited to finally get my shot against Sabertooth, but Master Makarov took that away from me.

Rin hadn't noticed it, but her hands were balled up into tight fists. Her body was trembling and her teeth were grit hard. Her fellow guild members all took steps away from her; they knew how dangerous an angry Rin was. Leese walked up to Rin and placed a paw on her calf, rubbing it slightly. It calmed her down for the most part, but she was clearly still upset. Rin looked down at her with violet eyes and found the sad look her partner was shooting up at her. Rin bent down and picked her up, placing her on her shoulder.

    "Rin," Makarov began. "Calm down. We have a plan." She looked back at him over her shoulder. He took that as his cue to continue. "The official rules state that each guild can have two teams participate in the Games. Team Natsu makes up Fairy Tail A, but I want you to join Fairy Tail B."

    "Who's on the team?"

    "Mira, Laxus, Gajeel, Juvia..." All of their faces popped into her head as he spoke their names. "And Mystogan." Rin's jaw dropped. Not only had he named enough people to fill up an entire team, he had found a way to include Mystogan of all people.

That's sketchy...

She leered at the old man, wanting an explanation immediately. "I heard about Jellal doing some investigating at the Games and thought that him being on a team would help him get closer to his sources."

    "So where do I fit into all of this?! You've filled up the second team and now I can't participate." Rin was angry; she was sad.

This was supposed to be my year.

"I want you to be the reserve member for Fairy Tail B. Something tells me Jellal's act won't last too long. And think of yourself as a secret weapon. When the time comes, we'll release you for the world to see just how powerful you are... How powerful Fairy Tail is."

"You make me sound like a hidden pet... But fine. I better get out there eventually." With that, Rin left the guild and packed her bags for the next week of events.

Leese and Rin awaited in Crocus for everyone to turn up. They stayed in a small hotel, not too far from the one Team Natsu was in. The only difference was that theirs wasn't run down and she didn't have to share a room. Makarov had wanted her to stay with Fairy Tail Team B, but since she was only a reserve member, it wasn't necessary. That and Rin liked her own personal space.

It was the early evening in Crocus, and Master had informed Rin of everyone's arrivals. Team Natsu was said to be split up, touring the town. She had decided to go out with Leese so they weren't cramped up in their room all night. The two stumbled upon the small inn that Team Natsu was staying in.

Honey Bone.

Rin and Leese entered and asked the receptionist what room the team was staying in. After being given instructions, they made their way up to the room and knocked on the thin, wooden door. Erza opened the door with wide eyes.


"Hey, Erza. Just thought I'd come say hi."

"I didn't know you were gonna be here." Rin looked at the redhead and smiled gently.

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