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Rin was lead back into the arena corridors by Laxus while the others tossed out threats to the blonde male that caused her to freak out. Rin, on the other hand, angrily rubbed her eyes to rid her face of any tears which she saw as a weakness.

    "I swear! I swear to God I'm gonna destroy him," Rin fumed. She breathed heavily, all of her previous hurting, the stabs to her heart, faded into murderous intent. "I'm gonna destroy Sabertooth if it's the last thing I do."

    "Calm down," Laxus spoke deeply. "You'll get your chance." The brunette exhaled loudly through her nose.

    "I know." She snarled as she walked out to their team balcony and peered across at the opponent she wished to crush. A growl emitted from her lips and Laxus felt the need to calm her. With a hand on her shoulder, the balcony silenced and Rin could only glare at the blonde that looked back at her desperately. "After this festival, you'll never see me again," she muttered. His eyes drooped sadly and his lips moved in an attempt to speak but nothing came out.

    Rin watched as his teammates cheered him up and prepared him for the rest of the day. She looked over at Mira and the others and nodded them toward the doorway. "We should go see Lucy. I'd like to see how she's holding up." The four nodded and followed the brunette out the open area and into the cold, dark hallways.

    When they made it to the entrance to the infirmary, Juvia sped toward the door and swung it open quickly.

    "Is Lucy okay?"

    "You guys," Gray said, surprised at our appearance.

    "Even though we're on different teams, we're all in the same guild." Natsu was shocked that even Laxus made an appearance.

    "So, how is she?"

    "Thanks to Wendy, her life isn't in danger," Porlyusica informed. The bluenette shook her head and insisted it was because she had Cheria's help.

    "Thank goodness," Mira sighed, relieved.

    "Those bastards," Rin mumbled angrily. The unconscious blonde suddenly awoke to the sight of all of her comrades staring at her with joy.

    "Everyone... I'm sorry." She used her nimble fingers and pulled the duvet over her head.

    "What are you talking about? We took second place thanks to you!"

    "My keys..." Happy waddled over to her side and handed her the brown leather pouch. She hugged them close to her chest and drifted off into a peaceful rest. The door opened again to reveal our short Master with a new sense of determination.

    "A team, B team... You're all here? Good. I'm not sure if this is good news or bad news..." Rin cocked an eyebrow and crossed her arms, shifting her weight to one side. "The administrators told me that teams A and B must combine."



    "The disqualification of Raven Tail brings the number of teams down to seven, and having an odd number doesn't work when it comes to matching up for the battle part. Therefore, both of our teams must become one and we have to choose the five members again."

    "What about our points?"

    "Apparently, the lower score will carry over. In other words, A Team's thirty-five points..." Everyone sighed in disappointment.

    "What a joke," Rin commented. "This whole setup is stupid." Natsu clenched his fist and steam lightly lifted from his shoulders.

    "I ain't gonna let 'em get away with laughin' at one of our own!"

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