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Rin and Sting walked back toward the arena after getting a quick bite from the Domus Flau concessions. The cheers rang louder than earlier in the day which meant that the current battle was getting exciting. The two walked out onto the upper walkway where Rin had met the Council employee on the first day. Rin leaned against the edge and looked down to see none other than Wendy battling it out with Lamia Scale's Cheria.

    The two young mages fought hard; they each sent blows that took each other down, but due to their Sky Magic, they could reheal and continue fighting. Wendy was at a disadvantage, though, because Cheria could heal her wounds.

    The two Dragon Slayers watched in amazement at the strength of the two girls.

    "That fairy isn't too bad for her age," Sting praised.

    "She's not bad at all. She could probably take on Lucy..." A look of unease rested on Rin's face. "It' so weird... Before they disappeared, she was the same age as us."

    "I'm assuming you two were friends, then."

    "Really good friends. We did jobs together, trained together... But when she came back, I felt like it wouldn't be the same..."

    "So she was nominated for the S-Class Trials and you weren't?" Rin scoffed at the blonde.

    "She wasn't nominated. She was chosen as Mest's partner for the Exam."


    "Doranbalt, the Council member, posed as a Fairy Tail mage and used his magic to change our memories so it was as if he was always in the guild. That way, he could get onto Tenrou and keep an eye on us. He used it as a way to get a seat in the Council..."

    "And you're just okay with that?" Rin simply nodded. "But why? He tricked you guys and left them all there to die."

    "No. He protected Wendy and got the Council to come to our rescue from Grimoire Heart. But they had to retreat when Acnologia appeared. That's what he told me himself. And he was so guilty– he still is... I have no reason not to believe him." Sting just nodded slowly as he took all of the information in.

    There was silence between the two as they looked back into the field to see the match end in a draw. Rin sighed in content and smiled down at the young bluenette. Her violet eyes skimmed the crowd and found a familiar cloaked man pushing through the exiting people with Doranbolt following close behind. "Jellal...?" Her eyes widened at her sudden outburst and slapped her hands over her mouth as Sting gave her an accusing look.

"What did you just say?"

"I'll explain later!" Without warning, Rin sprinted off with Sting not too far behind.

    "Where are you going?!" Rin didn't answer his question and increased her pace. As they began to enter busier areas, Rin used her magic to move people so she could save time and try to rescue the fugitive. She finally found Jellal standing in the middle of a group of Rune Knights with his hat knocked off his head and his mask pulled down to reveal his face. Rin tried to get through the knights, but they shoved her backward away from her friend.

    "Rin, what's going on?" Sting sounded desperately confused but she ignored him.

    "Are you apart of this, Rin?" Her gaze was suddenly caught by Jellal who looked at her sternly. She gave a questioning stare and he opened his lips to speak, however, he barely whispered, knowing she would still hear and it wouldn't cause a ruckus between the Council members.

    "The person in the black cloak." She immediately sprinted off to follow the figure that she could barely see.

    "Rin! Get back here!" She ignored Lahar's commands and used her magic again to get closer to her bounty. With each step, she got closer and closer to her target until she finally reached a hand out and clasped it to the person's shoulder. She spun the figure around and looked at the person- no, the girl in the cloak. She had familiar blonde hair and a pale face. The brown eyes that met her purple ones stared at her with a depressed expression that Rin couldn't comprehend.

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