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A month had passed since Fairy Tail disbanded. A tone of depression settled in with Rin as she realized that it was really gone. Her home, her family, was nowhere to be found. Everyone had gone their separate ways and moved on with their lives. Her hope of rebuilding the guild dwindled each passing day.

Sometimes she would take jobs for Sabertooth. However, she felt guilty for doing so without branding herself with their guild mark. Yet she refused to ever replace her crest of love which had diminished to just a faint outline after Master Makarov ended her rebellion. She still regrets the decision she made. She ended up right where she would've if she hadn't retaliated in the first place, but she needed to stand up for what she believed in.

Sting and Rin sat alone in his office, merely enjoying each other's company. The blonde male had noticed that she was more downtrodden than usually, but was hesitant to bring it up. He knew why, yet he felt like he needed to ask her; to talk it out and make her feel better.

"Babe... Are you feeling okay?" She stood from her seat across from him and glided toward the bookshelf in the corner. She gazed at the spines of the collection; some old, showing how much dust they had collected, others new, clean and pristine. When she had chosen to remain silent, Sting knew that he was correct about his assumption. "I need you to talk to me, Rin." His pleading voice made her heart ache, teeth chatter, and eyes water. She sniffled, her eyes locking onto a book titled Walk Alone. The cover was black with gold embellishments. Her fingers traced the print, lightly grabbing it and pulling it out.

Her sudden interest in the book almost startled Sting. Never had he taken her as a bookworm and never had she shown any hobbies other than training. His curiosity piqued as she stared so intently at the piece of literature she grasped in her fingers.

"It's been a month," she said quietly. Her voice was fragile, ready to break any minute. Sting sighed, just barely audible, and stood from his office chair. He walked until he was at her side, glancing down at the book from time to time. "I didn't think Fairy Tail would actually end..."

"I know you're hurting, but you need to think about it. Natsu can't train forever, and we both know he isn't gonna tolerate the split when he returns." The brunette was almost irritated that her mate brought up the pinkette. First of all, he was using his idol to try to make her feel better even though she despises him for disappearing when he could've stayed and helped her keep the guild together. Second of all, he was praising Natsu as if he did everything right and he was the solution that would fix everything.

His statement pissed her off, to say the least. However, she decided not to mention it.

"Sting-" Her statement was cut off by the opening of the office door. Rogue entered, looking minorly frazzled.

"You have visitors." Sting and Rin glanced at each other before following the dark-haired male out into the main guild hall. Rin held tightly onto the book she had grabbed as she questioned what Rogue meant by 'you'.

Who has visitors? Was he talking to me or Sting?

The group trudged through the hallways at a quick pace. All of their faces were stern and ready for whatever business awaited them.

Upon entrance into the main lobby, the group found Sabertooth members sitting quietly because of a certain presence. Three figures stood near the main doors, their faces unrecognizable from a distance. However, it was clear as day to see that they were Council members. The three shined in Rin's eyes and were immediately recognized.

"Levy?! And Gajeel and Lily?!" The brunette ran up to them, hugging each one tightly. She almost began to cry, her Fairy Tail memories flooding over her. "What are you guys doing here? And why are you, of all people, working for the Council?" The latter question was directed toward Gajeel, an irk mark appearing on his forehead.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"We have some business to discuss," Levy interjected. Rin nodded and turned her body to lead them to Sting.

"Sting is ready to discuss whene-"

"Our business is with you, Rin." Questions flew around the room in tight mumbles. Sting's brows furrowed, suddenly suspicious.

Why would they randomly show up for Rin at exactly one month?

Rin didn't budge from her spot. Her arms crossed over her chest and a frown covered her face. She had forgotten about Lahar up until now. He had died after the attack from Tartaros and she never got to say goodbye. She had begun to regret how disrespectful she could be to him at times. "We have a proposition to make to you by Draculos Hyberion. I'm sure you're familiar with him, being in the Ten Wizard Saints and all. He's the new Chairman of the Council."

"What does he want?"

"He wants you to join the other Wizard Saints on the nine Council seats."

"I'm confused. You say Draculos is the Chairman, but he's the second-ranked Saint. Where is Go-"

"That matter needs to be discussed in private, strictly between us. Only the Saints and Council members are allowed to be disclosed to that information." Rin's eyes narrowed at the large black cat standing up above her. "So, what do you say?"

The brunette glanced behind her at Sting who appeared to have already made his mind about the ordeal.

"I think Rin should just stay he-"

"I'll go." Sapphire eyes widened to be as big as the moon. Her answer was so quick like she didn't need any second thoughts. "All of Fairy Tail has moved on. I guess it's about time I do as well." Levy nodded, sadness swimming in her eyes. "I'm gonna go grab my belongings." RIn exited the room, refusing the make eye contact with her lover as she stormed back into the guild. Her hands still gripped at the book. Her violet eyes traced down to the cover and reread the title.

Walk Alone... That's what I'm doing.

After she had retrieved Leese and her bags, she sauntered over to her mate's side where she could see his heart breaking. She quickly pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly as if to apologize. "I need to do this. I can't be sad and wait around for the world to change. I need to act myself. I'll come to visit you when I can." With a kiss on his cheek, she pulled away from him and proceeded out the doors with her bags in tow, carried by her magic. "I love you, Sting."

The blonde didn't even have a chance to respond for she was already out of his grasp.

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