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Rin stomped further into the city with her blonde mate hot at her heels. Sting remained close to her, occasionally brushing up against her since he was worried about losing her again. It was cute, really, but the female had no time to focus on that. Right now, she needed to find Ajeel and kick this Miura's ass for even thinking about touching Sting.

"You know you can't get near her or you'll get brainwashed."

"I know," she huffed. "And that's exactly why you're not coming."

"And if you, of all people, fall into her hands, were definitely fucked―wait, what?" Sting stopped walking alongside her, watching as her hair swayed like her hips. "What do you mean 'I'm not coming'?"

"Exactly that. You used close-ranged magic and I don't." She was short with him as the country they currently walked through was at risk of a coup d'état. She pushed him far away with her magic. "I can't have you getting brainwashed again. We've had enough fights," she winked. Sting rolled his eyes and jogged back up beside her.

"I'm not letting you go alone."

"Don't worry. Ajeel is there." Sting choked and grabbed her arm.

"Rin―" She looked up at him, her purple eyes soft and loving.

"Everything is gonna be okay." Her hand came up to rest on his cheek followed by his own on top. "The fight will be over before you even get there." Without saying anything else, black wings unfolded from her back, tearing holes in the remainder of her white dress. All of the tenderness that she had just shown him quickly faded into rage. Her canines grew larger than he had ever seen and her eyes were animalistic.

She burst off so quickly that the wind pressure knocked Sting off of his feet. His ass hit the asphalt but his eyes never left her retreating figure. He could tell that this wouldn't end well, so he mustered up the courage and ran after her.
Meanwhile, Rin's anger slowly took over her as she zig-zagged through the streets, looking for the new King. Black scales grew up from her fingertips, all the way to her shoulders. However, she failed to notice that the texture was similarly growing up her legs, covering almost her entire body. A growl emitted from her throat.

Where the hell are they?!

She sniffed the prince out, finally deducing a path to his location. She increased her speed and quickly lost sight of her surroundings. It was like her instincts had taken full control and she was running on autopilot.

Ajeel stood in the middle of the street opposite Miura. He panted in exhaustion from overusing his sand to protect himself from her touch. He also couldn't help but feel insecure at the moment. As the new King, he already had new expectations placed upon him and he was worried that the way he handled this fight could damage his image to his people. Hurting an Alakitasia citizen? Destroying part of the Empire during his battle? He couldn't help but feel that there would be heavy backlash for it.

"Tired?" Miura slowly made her way to the male with her arms crossed behind her back. She held a firm grin, not even showing a hint of fatigue. Ajeel groaned. What the hell was this girl's stamina range? She was just like Rin; relentless. "Just give in already. We can take over Ishgar with our ruling." The male scoffed at her "our" considering she wanted to brainwash him. "We can beat them and win this war."

She held out a hand for him. All he had to do was shake her hand and her entire plan would fall right into place. Ajeel merely smiled.

"Win?" He laughed at the woman who furrowed her brows in confusion. "You think you can win? We had twelve of the strongest mages to ever walk in Alakitasia. Six were killed in battle, two are in prison, and the rest have turned their backs from the fight that they know we can't win. Not to mention, our previous―immortal―Emperor died. Entire armies... obliterated."

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