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"White? Light? Granting pleasure? It's quite hard to fathom that you are a comrade of the Black Wizard."

"Lady Kagura!"

"I am much more than his comrade," Larcade informed. "Zeref is my father."

"Zeref's son, you say?" The swordsman gazed upward at the blonde male, having yet to notice his hostage.

"My name is Larcade Dragneel, the son of Zeref Dragneel."

"He's got the same last name as Natsu!"

"Were you not aware?" He looked down on them like peasants. "Natsu is my father's younger brother. I suppose that would make him my uncle." A darkness washed over him; one that showed his evil intentions. "I was very much looking forward to finally meeting him in the war today. How could I not? It seems my father holds him much more dear than I, after all. And that is something that cannot be forgiven... Wouldn't you agree?"

Larcade whipped his hands around, releasing beams of light that cut through the air like blades. Kagura managed to cut most of them down but found the need to dodge part of the onslaught. With a dark glare, she slashed at the air with her katana.

"How long do you plan on lecturing us from your high perch?" The rocky hill sliced in half from the power of her blade. "Come down and face me!"

"Now, now," he said calmly. "I'd be careful, if I were you." He wrapped Rin's fatigued body into his arms. "You wouldn't want to harm your dear comrade, would you?"

Kagura was shocked at seeing said woman so weak. The last time she had seen her was during the Grand Magic Games and she was way stronger than this. There was no way it was the same woman.

In her stupor, Larcade clapped his hands together and attacked Kagura with the same technique as before. Her body became wrapped up in the white ropes of pleasure. "I shall introduce you to the sweet nectar of pleasure as well."

Yukino watched in anguish, her body lacking the strength to move and help her comrade. She cursed herself as she watched the Mermaid before her get taken captive of his putrid magic. "Humans cannot possibly disobey their natural instincts."

"Lady Kagura," she yelled out to her. "You must resist!" In an incredible act of valor, Kagura bit her own tongue to the point of bleeding to knock her body out of its trance. She took the opportunity of Larcade's shock to cut away his magic. In a flash, she was in front of him with her sheathed sword ready to make its advance.

"What a vulgar magic you wield..."

"Such speed..."

"It seems my blade of resentment has not wavered a bit," she commanded. "Judgement!"

The woman was utterly appalled as she saw the man before her smile. The look of peace never left his features. There, her blade Archenemy was parried by two fingers "You stopped my sword with your bare hands?!" Larcade's body was not stiff; it was loosely set in a pristine posture. However, his eyes were the opposite of his demeanor. They were dark and angry.

"It would appear you lot have made a horrible miscalculation after managing to defeat several of the Twelve." Kagura jumped away from him as he waved patterns in the air with his fingers. "August, Eileen, and I..." He paused with a proud huff. "We are... How should I put this? Special exceptions." The woman grimaced and charged at him once again.

Her confidence in her abilities was beginning to waver, but she knew she had to save Rin from this man. Who else could? "Such a delightful expression," he mocked. "It is the face of the one who has completely abandoned hope... Knowing they cannot possibly defeat the enemy before them." With his left hand, he parried Kagura's blade once again without a single injury. With his right, he swiped at her abdomen, his nails cutting through her flesh like daggers.

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